Business & Finance Corporations

4 Great Places to Work Outside Your Home

One of the great things about working from home is that you don't have to STAY at home.
Here are 4 different places that you can choose to work your home based business from! 1.
A Coffee Shop Coffee is the official drink of work isn't it? It seems like no office would be complete without a big pot of coffee to keep their employees working hard.
Many coffee places today offer free WiFi in their stores so you get the big comfy chairs, the relaxing atmosphere, free internet AND yummy coffee to keep you working...
what's not to like? It's also a lot less expensive than working in a restaurant and they usually don't mind if you set up shop for a couple of hours.
It's just the perfect spot for almost anyone.
Your Own Backyard That might sound crazy but sometimes it's not about being far, far away from home it's just about getting outside for a while.
If you sit outside with your laptop you can probably still pick up your internet signal from inside the house.
You can watch the kids play, maybe get a tan and just enjoy the freedom that you wouldn't have if you were stuck in a cubicle all day.
A picnic table or some patio furniture and a glass of lemonade make this the perfect set up and it's free! 3.
The Mall This one might seem a little out there for some people but sitting in the food court of a mall can be a great place to get some work done.
Here's why.
There are lots of people buzzing around so if you're writing a blog post or an article there is plenty of inspiration.
Also, there's nothing like going and checking out that pair of shoes or that outfit you want to motivate you to work a little harder.
Of course if you're the type of person who has to have quiet in order to get work done this is not the best option for you.
But some people work best with a little noise around them and this is one of the best spots for that.
Plus you have your choice of a bunch of different restaurants! 4.
On The Beach This really is the dream scenario isn't it? Sitting on the beach (or in a cabin in the mountains that's what you're into) relaxing and enjoying the day and getting a little work done while you're at it.
Obviously most of us can't do this one year round but your work just won't seem as hard if you're doing it while sipping a mai-tai and feeling the sand in your toes.
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