- 1). Fill a few jars with about 2 inches each of molasses. Try to figure out where the crickets hang out most often and place the jars of molasses in those areas. The molasses attracts the crickets with its sweet smell. The crickets will jump into the jars, become trapped and die. Check the jars every day or two and empty if you have caught any crickets.
- 2). Place sticky insect traps around the home. These can be left open or folded into a box that is open on each end. These traps have an attractant that appeals to the crickets, and they will jump onto the trap and become stuck.
- 3). Get pets if your apartment allows for such. Cats work well in getting rid of your crickets, and even if your apartment complex does not allow cats and dogs, you can often have something like a small lizard, which will also take care of your cricket problem.