One of the keys to outstanding success online, especially in the current competitive environment is to drive massive traffic to your site.
It really doesn't matter how brilliant your product is, or how fancy and well presented your site is, if you are not driving strong levels of traffic to your site you will probably find it very challenging to generate income online.
Today's internet surfer is more savvy than when I first got started online many months ago.
But this can actually work in your favour once you have learnt how easy it is to create targeted traffic using articles online.
And it is just a matter of taking action on a consistent and regular basis.
You see when you run advertising, or you buy advertising, or you buy PPC traffic, all you are getting is an unqualified visitor.
And I agree an unqualified visitor is better than no visitor - but when that visitor has only read a 3-line ad about you in a sponsored search listing, do they have any idea of what they are going to find when they get to your web site? They land on your site only to find that it is not what they are looking for, and they hit the 'back' button on their browser - but you have been charged.
75c or $1 or whatever it is - and they, the consumer - still haven't found what they are looking for.
This is where article marketing differs from all the rest.
It really doesn't matter how brilliant your product is, or how fancy and well presented your site is, if you are not driving strong levels of traffic to your site you will probably find it very challenging to generate income online.
Today's internet surfer is more savvy than when I first got started online many months ago.
But this can actually work in your favour once you have learnt how easy it is to create targeted traffic using articles online.
And it is just a matter of taking action on a consistent and regular basis.
You see when you run advertising, or you buy advertising, or you buy PPC traffic, all you are getting is an unqualified visitor.
And I agree an unqualified visitor is better than no visitor - but when that visitor has only read a 3-line ad about you in a sponsored search listing, do they have any idea of what they are going to find when they get to your web site? They land on your site only to find that it is not what they are looking for, and they hit the 'back' button on their browser - but you have been charged.
75c or $1 or whatever it is - and they, the consumer - still haven't found what they are looking for.
This is where article marketing differs from all the rest.