Society & Culture & Entertainment Books & Literature

International Book Grants

    • Portrait of a styled children. Theme: education.. image by Andrey Kiselev from

      International book grants support literacy programs by providing donations of books and reading materials or the funds to purchase them. The underlying theme for many of the organizations supplying grants and books is tied to the idea of providing a better quality of life for recipient regions. Requirements for these grants vary but they always request a well-defined and clearly stated need from those asking for assistance.

    The International Reading Association

    • The International Reading Association (IRA) provides grants for literacy projects in countries with developing economies. Qualifying countries are selected by using the World Bank's definition of "developing economies," which is figured using a country's gross national income per capita (GNI). Funding is available through voluntary contributions made to IRA. Membership in the IRA program is a requirement for application. IRA gives grants in amounts up to $2,500 for literacy projects that are clearly defined by the applicant and supported by an affiliated IRA member or council. Further details may be obtained from The International Reading Association.

      Grant for Literacy Projects in Countries with Developing Economies
      Executive Division
      International Reading Association
      800 Barksdale Road
      PO Box 8139
      Newark, DE 19714-8139, USA

    IASL Book Grants

    • The International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) offers a $1,000 award toward book purchases by organizations in developing countries. Formerly known through UNESCO as Project #554, the Books for Children Award, IASL, may be offered to several recipients within a funding year. Applications are available from the IASL website and require two letters of support to qualify for review. An international panel of scholars and researchers reviews the applications. Verify all application requirements with The International Association of School Librarianship.

      International Association of School Librarianship
      PO Box 83, Zillmere
      Queensland 4034
      Fax: +617 3633 0570

    Scholastic, Inc. Book Grants

    • Scholastic, Inc. believes it has a responsibility to support children and families by fostering literacy in at-risk communities. Scholastic book grants are available internationally to countries that meet Scholastic's criteria and have a Scholastic subsidiary within their borders. Qualifying countries include Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, the Caribbean, South and Central America, the Middle East and Europe. International requests are not granted to individuals, individual schools or libraries or to any political, labor, sports or religious parties. Further restrictions may apply. Please contact Scholastic, Inc. directly for full application information.

      Scholastic Inc.
      Worldwide Headquarters and Editorial Office
      557 Broadway
      New York, NY 10012
      212 343-6100

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