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How To Be Included In Various Websites

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It's like Christmas day when a blogger sees his blog get featured in a prominent website, like a news hub or another more popular blog. It feels good to know that the big names in the web read you and take time to link back to your blog.Blog readers can never have too much to read, so you can expect a steady stream of targeted traffic when your blog's link gets published in high-traffic websites.

Of course getting featured doesn't happen purely by chance. As a rule, bloggers need to be determined and must work hard in order to acquire links to others, so better decide on doing the same thing. Read on so you can see the tips on how to be visible in several websites:

1. Provide informative feedback - One way to place a link back to your blog without having to twist the arm of the site owner is to leave a comment with a link back to your site. Sure it sounds like cheating because there is no real endorsement on the part of the blog owner, but it's a legitimate way to spread backlinks (links back to your own website). The downside to this practice is that most spam comments are created this way, so make sure you leave a sensible comment so it gets approved by the blog administrator. Soon enough you will be a familiar face and the blogger might just give you a space in the main content since you talk the talk of his blog.

2. Recommend your articles - Content-based websites are commonly chasing for more - what do you think? - content. So, push your luck by contacting the web administrator directly and offer your articles to them.Other websites are accepting blogs that were already published. But it's better to be ready with innovative write-ups just in case they will ask for it. You don't expect them to wait for you to create a new one. You can either plant your backlinks on the main content of the article or on the author's bio section.

3. Strike a deal with other bloggers -It's a usual tradition among bloggers to introduce each other on their blog post. This can be done by doing a full article such as an interview or recommending the other blog ('Visit my friend's blog if you want to learn more about…'). Either way, you have to be in the know when another blogger is looking for topic fillers. They oftentimes post their requirements in online discussion or user groups. Another great deal between bloggers is to exchange blog entries (aka guest posting). A short introduction concerning the author is indicated on the article so that viewers would know that a guest is writing for the blog.

4. Submit your articles to blog carnival - A blog carnival is collection of blog articles distributed at a given time. The blog entries cover the same topic and the major 'compiler' distributes an article that includes fragments from these entries. Naturally, the clips directs to the one who contributes the blog entry, which gives recognition to the blogger who made the article. What good about this is that the 'compilers' vary every time a new blog carnival is out, therefore it only means that you will be given a chance to have an extensive viewers whenever you decide to join.

5. Submit your profile - Some websites do a special feature like a 'Blogger of the Month' or give out an award for the 'Best Blog of the Year'. There is no harm in trying when you present your profile there. Who knows, your blog might be the one they are looking for.Your blog will eventually become famous. It is good business in terms of traffic when you think about how many of the awarding body's readers would see your blog.

6. Create a practice - If you are new to the playing field, it would be a great idea to start the trend of featuring other bloggers on your site. You would surely feel elated when you come to meet your favorite bloggers. Then, these featured bloggers would encourage their viewers to pay a visit to your blog. In the long run, they might give you gratitude by also featuring you in their blog site. It might take a long while, but it is still one way of gaining followers.

Links are helpful tools but when your blog comes out on another website and it's even included on the main content, it is still incomparable. So when you want to promote your blog, make sure that you choose to have your blog be featured in other websites.
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