- 1). Register for an account with a photo-book provider. Many picture sites offer this service including Shutterfly, Snapfish and Kodak Gallery.
- 2). Select design elements for your baby photo book. These include the cover design, the layout, the background color, the style and the size of the book.
- 3). Upload pictures from your computer. Photo sites provide tools to upload the baby pictures you wish to include in your photo book.
- 4). Add the pictures to the photo book and arrange them. The layout you selected previously may determine how many pictures you can place on each page. Some tools will allow you to select a different size for each picture on a page.
- 5). Review your photo book and edit as you wish. When you are satisfied with the book, add it to your shopping cart and proceed to the payment section of the Web site.
- 6). Enter the name and address of the recipient in the fields provided. Review the order details and select a shipping method. Enter your payment details to complete the transaction. The baby book will be delivered to the recipient.