Robert Half Technology is a recruitment firm that specializes in helping its clients fill both project-based and full-time IT positions. The company is headquartered in Menlo Park, Calif., but has more than 100 locations around the world.
According to the company's website, the roles Robert Half Technology recruits for tend to fall into the categories of:
- networking;
- technical support;
- Internet/intranet development;
- database management;
- applications development;
- project management.
You can start your job search right from Robert Half Technology's home page. There are a few ways you can do this:
- Click on the "Job Seekers" tab in the main menu on the home page, which runs across the top of the page.
If you choose this option, you will go to a page where you have a quick keyword and zip/postal code search option, an Advanced Search option, and a list of job categories to choose from. This page also contains more information on what to expect if you choose to work with Robert Half, as well as a place to submit your resume (also accessible from the home page).
You will also see a Career Resources link on the left side of this page, which contains information on resume and cover letter writing and online training; links to various reports, glossaries and guides; and details on books that may help you with your job search. - On the home page, under Find a Job, which is the next section below the menu, enter keywords and zip postal code, or click on Advanced Search.
- Under "Browse for Jobs," which appears further down the home page, you can select from a number of popular job categories, or click on "Search all job categories."
*Note that both the Advanced Search and the Search All Job Categories options will take you to the same page, where you can enter keywords and desired job location, and select a job category and employment type (consulting, contract-to-full-time, or full-time).
The Robert Half Technology site also has the Salary Center section, accessible through the main menu, where you can download the firm's annual Salary Guide, and find out more about things like:
- which positions and skills are in demand;
- which are the fastest-growing industries;
- regional and general technology trends.
This section contains information on the hiring environments in both the U.S. and Canada.