Saving the cash refused to go in there and so I did its I just gave up a humble have a half naked remake entire completely flat know I'd very fresh Department about this material have heart attack I can look at the bed how I gladly take off your shoes because we're back hurts issues on a bend over and do it I don't mind doing every now and I don't like to be told think guys in my life if I need gas my wife will you leave you with a check nor the view the debit card with the name a specific instructions not to spend anymore themselves I don't let have any access to your money because I'm afraid of them something.
That we don't need he's not very budget me makes me feel like a child it makes me feel frustrated and aggravated I can make mow choices maybe not I'll Chris makes the bed so list can now but it has to be wrinkle-free yeah I can do that if it's not me Jenny I can even enter the room game do it now Israel in that bed is like are you kidding yeah so let's get respect in a trickle out goes pretty much when they get there let's catch stop sweeping the floor gets regularly okay takes blue shoes and socks off after worker shopping brings loses purse shoes sale in water at her command a ask for money as a bag Council is day eremax cuts all free on Sat Liz doesn't trust Chris's had six beers in the last four years because you live with his drinking I with alcohol in the house yes okay up must brush teeth immediately after drinking or no sex strike yeah I can't stand small alcoholic on as talk about the Riga Latvia okay what's your problem with a wrinkle in abet I can't quite explain.
A at the logical I just it just bothers me same thing if their bedroom gets cluttered that's my sanctuary that's where I go when I'm really anxious and stressed out as old anxiety builds up environmental that with me daily from the time I wake up the time I got a bad I can't get to sleep I have to at pressures that get me to sleep ion I have crutches that keep getting through the day and they're not going to the day and look for a right now I'm still taking my on Klondike.
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That we don't need he's not very budget me makes me feel like a child it makes me feel frustrated and aggravated I can make mow choices maybe not I'll Chris makes the bed so list can now but it has to be wrinkle-free yeah I can do that if it's not me Jenny I can even enter the room game do it now Israel in that bed is like are you kidding yeah so let's get respect in a trickle out goes pretty much when they get there let's catch stop sweeping the floor gets regularly okay takes blue shoes and socks off after worker shopping brings loses purse shoes sale in water at her command a ask for money as a bag Council is day eremax cuts all free on Sat Liz doesn't trust Chris's had six beers in the last four years because you live with his drinking I with alcohol in the house yes okay up must brush teeth immediately after drinking or no sex strike yeah I can't stand small alcoholic on as talk about the Riga Latvia okay what's your problem with a wrinkle in abet I can't quite explain.
A at the logical I just it just bothers me same thing if their bedroom gets cluttered that's my sanctuary that's where I go when I'm really anxious and stressed out as old anxiety builds up environmental that with me daily from the time I wake up the time I got a bad I can't get to sleep I have to at pressures that get me to sleep ion I have crutches that keep getting through the day and they're not going to the day and look for a right now I'm still taking my on Klondike.
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