There is three distinct phases in the healing of an injury. The first three phases healing is called the inflammatory phase, which simply means white blood cells, called phagocytes, which help remove debris and damaged tissue and recirculation of the additional support the region. The second stage is called the phase of proliferation, where red blood cells called fibroblasts form a glue like substance which acts as a scaffolding or the infrastructure of a new tissue to be fixed. The last stage, known as the remodeling stage, where more cells are added to the glue and reinforced to form a substance called collagen type 1, which is thick, strong and durable.
Inflammatory stage
Days 1-4: On the site of the lesion, the cells form a clot following injury to seal the damaged area and to ensure without further bleeding. Similarly, phagocytes migrate to the area to "clean up" damaged cells that can no longer function. Damaged cells to release a chemical that attracts effectively "cleanse" the cells to go to the area to begin their work. After two days, more than chemicals released from damaged cells to attract more white blood cells (monocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages), which also helps the healing and closure of damaged cells. Moreover, once the cells as macrophages reach the site of the wound, they release new chemicals that begin to enhance and promote oxygenation and nutrition, which helps healing. Once the debris of damaged cells is clear, the space filled with platelets (the clot that is formed to stop the initial bleeding) is down and invaded by other cells (fibroblasts). They become more active in seven days, when most of the glue like substance is expected to form a bond. This is identified as mark tissue.
Proliferative stage
Days 7-14: At this stage, fibroblasts lay down other chemicals to start solidifying more scar tissue. This is called the proliferation stage. The solidification of new cells (known as collagen) of the bond already in the scar tissue is laid down in disarray, most random, without direction of orientation of fibers. This makes the fabric weak. During this stage, the blood clot that had formed to stop the initial bleeding begins to dissipate as more cells are attached to the glue "torn fibers together again. In addition, more specialized cells are mobilized Once the glue has formed, called myofibroblasts, which are beginning to merge and connect the torn fibers that were damaged at the outset.
Stadium Renovation
Days 14-90: The last step is called the remodeling phase. That's where the chance of scar tissue (adhesive) that formed in the proliferation stage starts to move itself and becomes increasingly specific to the function of the muscle / tendon. This is greatly influenced by external constraints placed on it. More collagen is to strengthen the weakness of the scar and the tensile strength begins to grow as more tissue is fixed.
Collagen and redirection of force is slowly increasing, reaching 70% of the initial resistance of six months to two years. The new scar tissue remodeled almost always different from the original muscle / tendon replaces it by reducing the number of cells in the tissue, the number of blood vessels and cells more disorderly. Most of the time, the new scar tissue / muscle do not restore 100% to what it was, and is therefore vulnerable to other injuries later. For example, a strain of paralyzing normally lasts three weeks
for recovery. However, research has shown that microscopy real damage to paralyze the muscle fibers are not fully healed for at least two to three months, even if the athlete can run. Therefore, one can assume that the force constant training and rehabilitation benefits after returning to the sport for the tendon is not damaged again.
In conclusion, fitness professionals should warn customers that, once a serious injury to the fabric, it may take more than the normal three to six weeks to heal, and a monitoring program for the rehabilitation will be necessary if they want the injury to a complete recovery.
Inflammatory stage
Days 1-4: On the site of the lesion, the cells form a clot following injury to seal the damaged area and to ensure without further bleeding. Similarly, phagocytes migrate to the area to "clean up" damaged cells that can no longer function. Damaged cells to release a chemical that attracts effectively "cleanse" the cells to go to the area to begin their work. After two days, more than chemicals released from damaged cells to attract more white blood cells (monocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages), which also helps the healing and closure of damaged cells. Moreover, once the cells as macrophages reach the site of the wound, they release new chemicals that begin to enhance and promote oxygenation and nutrition, which helps healing. Once the debris of damaged cells is clear, the space filled with platelets (the clot that is formed to stop the initial bleeding) is down and invaded by other cells (fibroblasts). They become more active in seven days, when most of the glue like substance is expected to form a bond. This is identified as mark tissue.
Proliferative stage
Days 7-14: At this stage, fibroblasts lay down other chemicals to start solidifying more scar tissue. This is called the proliferation stage. The solidification of new cells (known as collagen) of the bond already in the scar tissue is laid down in disarray, most random, without direction of orientation of fibers. This makes the fabric weak. During this stage, the blood clot that had formed to stop the initial bleeding begins to dissipate as more cells are attached to the glue "torn fibers together again. In addition, more specialized cells are mobilized Once the glue has formed, called myofibroblasts, which are beginning to merge and connect the torn fibers that were damaged at the outset.
Stadium Renovation
Days 14-90: The last step is called the remodeling phase. That's where the chance of scar tissue (adhesive) that formed in the proliferation stage starts to move itself and becomes increasingly specific to the function of the muscle / tendon. This is greatly influenced by external constraints placed on it. More collagen is to strengthen the weakness of the scar and the tensile strength begins to grow as more tissue is fixed.
Collagen and redirection of force is slowly increasing, reaching 70% of the initial resistance of six months to two years. The new scar tissue remodeled almost always different from the original muscle / tendon replaces it by reducing the number of cells in the tissue, the number of blood vessels and cells more disorderly. Most of the time, the new scar tissue / muscle do not restore 100% to what it was, and is therefore vulnerable to other injuries later. For example, a strain of paralyzing normally lasts three weeks
for recovery. However, research has shown that microscopy real damage to paralyze the muscle fibers are not fully healed for at least two to three months, even if the athlete can run. Therefore, one can assume that the force constant training and rehabilitation benefits after returning to the sport for the tendon is not damaged again.
In conclusion, fitness professionals should warn customers that, once a serious injury to the fabric, it may take more than the normal three to six weeks to heal, and a monitoring program for the rehabilitation will be necessary if they want the injury to a complete recovery.