Health & Medical Pain Diseases

3 Effective Low Back Pain Exercises

Almost everyone experiences low back pain at some time in their life.
It is currently the top reason for visiting a chiropractor and the leading cause of disability of people under 45 years of age.
In the old days, bed rest was advised.
Now, we know that rest is counterproductive and will lead to a decrease in conditioning and an increase in pain.
When back pain occurs, we need to move...
Here are two basic rules for exercising with low back pain: 1.
Move within a pain-free or decreasing pain range-of-motion.
Movement allows blood to flow to the injured area, bringing needed oxygen and nutrients to the area for healing.
This movement should be within your pain-free range, even if it is only a couple inches of movement; we stay within a pain-free range because moving into pain will tell your brain that this is an acceptable way to move and maintain this pattern of pain.
The "no pain, no gain" philosophy does not apply here.
Breathe Allow your breath to soften, incorporating breath with movement in your exercises.
Here are 3 exercises recommended for low back pain: 1.
Knees to Chest Lie on your back, knees bent.
Grab behind one thigh with both hands keeping your upper body relaxed, exhale and draw the thigh toward your chest, holding until you feel a gentle stretch in the low back and hip.
Release and switch sides.
Continue to alternate sides 10-20 times.
Cat/Cow Kneel on all 4's.
Keep your spine in neutral (maintaining the curve in your neck and low back).
Position knees under hips and wrists under shoulders.
Exhale and round your back, tucking your tailbone, lifting your belly toward your spine, and tucking your chin.
Inhale and slowly arch your back, drawing your shoulder blades together and down your back, lifting your tailbone and then head.
Move slowly between Cat and Cow, coordinating breath with movement.
10-20 times 3.
Child's Pose From all 4's position, bring your feet closer together, placing tops of feet on the ground if possible.
Next, move your hips toward your heels, folding forward between your knees.
Your arms can be placed alongside the body, palms up or stretching arms overhead, palms down on the floor.
This position can be held for up to 2 minutes, breathing softly.
In summary, almost everyone will experience low back pain.
Some basic tips toward your recovery are to remember pain-free movement is better than rest.
The sooner you start to move the quicker your recovery will be.
Soft natural breathing will help relax the body and bring essential oxygen to the muscles.
Three basic recommended exercises to initiate the healing process are: Knees to Chest, Cat/Cow, and Child's Pose.
For optimal recovery, seek advice for specifics to your condition from your chiropractor.
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