- The most common side effects associated with rapamycin include nausea, diarrhea, acne, dizziness and insomnia.
- Because rapamycin decreases immunity, patients taking it should not get any immunizations, and they should avoid people who recently have received a polio vaccine.
- These patients also should avoid people with a contagious infection of any sort, including colds or flu. If this is not possible, the patient can wear a protective face mask. He should contact a doctor quickly if he develops signs of an infection.
- Rapamycin can increase the risk of developing lymphoma or skin cancer. Patients should be watchful for unusual lumps, swollen glands or unexplained weight loss.
- People taking rapamycin also can develop kidney problems. Signs include changes in frequency of urination or color of urine, blood in your urine, or difficulty urinating.
Most Common Effects
Kidney Problems