If we listen well enough to our bodies, we can directly sense if there's something wrong.
Our bodies continually communicate with us and more often than not, we don't listen to what they're saying.
A lot of times when they're something wrong with our body and it tries to tell us that, we ignore it.
Small, minor pains are ignored, but when these escalate and turn into excruciating ones, that's when we're brought to our attention.
When these pains are noticed, we tend to rush to the nearest clinic and hospital and have ourselves diagnosed right away.
There are others though, who instead of wanting to have themselves checked by someone else, choose to take the situation in their own hands and treat themselves.
There are many reasons, but there are people who simply look at a medicine book (like MIMS) or go online and look for treatments.
Cause Of Hemorrhoids One of these sicknesses and certainly the most common that are mostly treated at home is Hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids is characterized by the inflammation of veins located at the rectal area of our body.
This is caused mainly by great pressure exerted on these veins, causing them to swell and in some cases, burst.
Great pressure on these veins is sometimes caused by straining stool, anal sex, pregnancy, diarrhea/constipation and aging.
Symptoms include: constant itching around the rectal area, redness, discomfort when releasing stool, and blood found in stool.
Hemorrhoids are partially hereditary, so sometimes you can't help but have hemorrhoids if your blood line contains it.
Then again this is not to say that genes is the primary cause of hemorrhoids - it's one of the deciding factors.
Treat Hemorrhoids At Home There are many ways by which this sickness can be cured, and these ways can certainly be done at home.
People with this sickness, more often than not, take a long and painful time in the bathroom, just to release stool.
It is a long and arduous affair that isn't something to look forward to.
Passing stool should not be this difficult, but haemorrhoids make it so.
Pressuring yourself to pass stool actually provides more strain on the veins in your rectum, causing your veins to swell even more! Changing Your Diet A way to alleviate and minimize the pain is to change one's diet - especially for those whose genes serve as a factor for their affliction.
Keeping yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of fluids, and substituting your daily food with fiber-enriched ones should help in keeping your hemorrhoids at bay.
Controlling your salt intake is also a great way of helping minimize the swelling, as excess salt retains fluids in our blood, causing veins to swell more.
Once you've increased your fiber intake and veered away from too much salt, passing stool shouldn't be as difficult.
Over The Counter Options Using lubricants such as petroleum jelly can help your bowels move smoothly as well.
Dabbing petroleum jelly into less than an inch in your anus can help stool pass smoothly.
There are also some topical and over-the-counter creams and medicines that help soothe the itchiness and redness caused by hemorrhoids.
Keep in mind though that these medications, though advertised to make your hemorrhoids disappear, does not magically make the swelling go away.
More often than not, these medications will only help relieve the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.
It is knowing that there are some remedies to hemorrhoids that can be successfully done at home makes having this sickness manageable.
When one knows that hemorrhoids remedies are available at the comfort of one's home, the more they are inclined to keep them at bay and eventually make them disappear.
Our bodies continually communicate with us and more often than not, we don't listen to what they're saying.
A lot of times when they're something wrong with our body and it tries to tell us that, we ignore it.
Small, minor pains are ignored, but when these escalate and turn into excruciating ones, that's when we're brought to our attention.
When these pains are noticed, we tend to rush to the nearest clinic and hospital and have ourselves diagnosed right away.
There are others though, who instead of wanting to have themselves checked by someone else, choose to take the situation in their own hands and treat themselves.
There are many reasons, but there are people who simply look at a medicine book (like MIMS) or go online and look for treatments.
Cause Of Hemorrhoids One of these sicknesses and certainly the most common that are mostly treated at home is Hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids is characterized by the inflammation of veins located at the rectal area of our body.
This is caused mainly by great pressure exerted on these veins, causing them to swell and in some cases, burst.
Great pressure on these veins is sometimes caused by straining stool, anal sex, pregnancy, diarrhea/constipation and aging.
Symptoms include: constant itching around the rectal area, redness, discomfort when releasing stool, and blood found in stool.
Hemorrhoids are partially hereditary, so sometimes you can't help but have hemorrhoids if your blood line contains it.
Then again this is not to say that genes is the primary cause of hemorrhoids - it's one of the deciding factors.
Treat Hemorrhoids At Home There are many ways by which this sickness can be cured, and these ways can certainly be done at home.
People with this sickness, more often than not, take a long and painful time in the bathroom, just to release stool.
It is a long and arduous affair that isn't something to look forward to.
Passing stool should not be this difficult, but haemorrhoids make it so.
Pressuring yourself to pass stool actually provides more strain on the veins in your rectum, causing your veins to swell even more! Changing Your Diet A way to alleviate and minimize the pain is to change one's diet - especially for those whose genes serve as a factor for their affliction.
Keeping yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of fluids, and substituting your daily food with fiber-enriched ones should help in keeping your hemorrhoids at bay.
Controlling your salt intake is also a great way of helping minimize the swelling, as excess salt retains fluids in our blood, causing veins to swell more.
Once you've increased your fiber intake and veered away from too much salt, passing stool shouldn't be as difficult.
Over The Counter Options Using lubricants such as petroleum jelly can help your bowels move smoothly as well.
Dabbing petroleum jelly into less than an inch in your anus can help stool pass smoothly.
There are also some topical and over-the-counter creams and medicines that help soothe the itchiness and redness caused by hemorrhoids.
Keep in mind though that these medications, though advertised to make your hemorrhoids disappear, does not magically make the swelling go away.
More often than not, these medications will only help relieve the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.
It is knowing that there are some remedies to hemorrhoids that can be successfully done at home makes having this sickness manageable.
When one knows that hemorrhoids remedies are available at the comfort of one's home, the more they are inclined to keep them at bay and eventually make them disappear.