Starting your day with a Carnation Instant Breakfast drink is a great way to stay healthy and energized for the morning.
Carnation Instant Breakfast is an easy-to-make, quick, and nutritious drink that pumps your body with protein, carbohyrates, and essential vitamins and minerals.
I began drinking Carnation Instant Breakfast two weeks ago.
Immediatley, I fell in love with the product for its quick nature and ease of use.
In fact, I made sure that I drank at least three glasses of this drink a day.
The nutrition drink did not fill my stomach up completely, so I casually drink it while having a bowl of raisin bran or something else for breakfast.
Carnation Instant Breakfast comes in three different flavors: Creamy chocolate, French Vanilla, or Strawberry creme.
The chocolate is my favorite, though all of the flavors were particularly enjoyable.
Throughout my mornings I felt better prepared mentally for any tasks that came up, I also felt better over the two-week period that I have been drinking the CIB.
Let's take a look at some of the nutrition facts (the following is the nutrition facts for the rich milk chocolate without any milk added): Calories: 130 Calories from fast: 5 Total Fat: 1g Cholesterol:
Carnation Instant Breakfast is an easy-to-make, quick, and nutritious drink that pumps your body with protein, carbohyrates, and essential vitamins and minerals.
I began drinking Carnation Instant Breakfast two weeks ago.
Immediatley, I fell in love with the product for its quick nature and ease of use.
In fact, I made sure that I drank at least three glasses of this drink a day.
The nutrition drink did not fill my stomach up completely, so I casually drink it while having a bowl of raisin bran or something else for breakfast.
Carnation Instant Breakfast comes in three different flavors: Creamy chocolate, French Vanilla, or Strawberry creme.
The chocolate is my favorite, though all of the flavors were particularly enjoyable.
Throughout my mornings I felt better prepared mentally for any tasks that came up, I also felt better over the two-week period that I have been drinking the CIB.
Let's take a look at some of the nutrition facts (the following is the nutrition facts for the rich milk chocolate without any milk added): Calories: 130 Calories from fast: 5 Total Fat: 1g Cholesterol: