Business & Finance Small Business

Don"t Use the Recession As an Excuse For Small Business Revenue Challenges

If you talk with small businesses lately you will note a common theme, there is a lot of complaining about the economy going on these days.
Many small businesses are blaming the economy for slumping sales, rather than agreeing not to participate in the recession.
General Electric's Jack Welch once said during an interview when asked if GE was worried about future earnings during a recession; "We do not participate in recessions, you can tell us what the economy is doing, but regardless of that, we are going to tell you what we are doing.
" In other words, the economy will do what it will do, but GE was committed to do what it does best; deliver value to its customers and make a profit.
Indeed, that attitude permeated the General Electric Corporation throughout Jack Welch's reign as CEO; he had both strong economic years, which he made huge profits and downturn years or recessionary periods where he also made huge profits for GE.
Now then, believe me when I tell you, that you can also do the same thing.
You can make your small business the shining star of the community through thick or thin and no matter what the economy is doing you will win.
Much of leadership is an attitude, if you cloud yourself with doubt or believe you can't then you are right and thus, you probably won't.
However, if you are committed and up for any challenge and you refuse to surrender to mediocrity or economic turbulence, then there is a very good chance that you have the will and strength of character to lead your company through and make a profit along the way.
Think on this.
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