Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

Friendship Fortune

Every stranger is potentially a friend yet to be made.
We know who our friends are.
They are the people that tell it as it is with love, though; on some level it may hurt we are aware that the telling comes from a deep place of love.
These are the people we can tell our deepest secrets to without fear of judgment.
Friendships can last a moment or a lifetime.
Friends are those people we do not have to choose exactly the right words with.
We can be clumsy with them and they won't even bat an eyelid.
I know there have been times in my life where if it was not for my friends I may not be here writing this book today.
Maybe I would have just withered away psychologically, emotionally and physically.
The thing with real and great friends is that they won't allow you to just wither.
They will walk by our side, hold our hand and carry us when we need them to, come what may.
When we decide to isolate ourselves they will ring us and keep us on the phone even when we want to tell them to get lost.
In fact we can tell them to get lost and they won't.
They will find themselves around our house because our friends know us well enough to know that really what's beneath the get lost syndrome is truly a cry for help.
I have some friends like that.
They won't let me get away with anything.
They will hold me accountable to my highest standards, whilst watching me, protecting me, guiding me through my low standards with the aim of helping me to refocus again.
There have been times when I have gone through some low lows and times when I have gone through some high highs and the creator knows that without these key people in my life I'd be crawling on my belly lower than a snake in the mud.
I stand freely and breathe deeply because of my friends.
Equally as I look over my life I recognise that there have been some people that have impacted negatively and I have had to wave good-bye to them.
This may seem cold and hard hearted and the truth of the matter is that it took a lot of soul searching and heart ache on my part to make those decisions.
In relation to some they would have been in my life for many years.
It is also fair to say that just because they are not in my life in an everyday up close and personal way it does not mean that they are not in my life in some way shape and form.
It is also the case with a number of people they know they can call on me for help in their hour of need.
It is just that I have made a decision about the extent to which they are truly a -part of what I am about, which is to maintain a positive focus and to make a difference in people's lives.
So certainly in some instances it has been difficult for me.
Friendships can be one of the most beautiful gifts to the spirit.
One of the most destructive forces to the psyche is gossip and rumour mongering, constant complaining and dishonesty, through people lying.
Having people around me who engaged in this on any kind of consistent and systematic way - they would not be my first choice of friendships.
I do like to make decisions about whom I spend my time with.
We each have a responsibility for our own lives.
I trust my circle of friends deeply and truly.
There are times when we can talk and talk and talk without stopping.
Covering anything and everything.
Knowing that anything and everything stops between us.
No limit, no gossip, no telling to others.
Deeply, truly, trusted friendships are a must for helping to replenish the soul.
I'm talking soul talk.
I'm talking about giving your soul a time, space and voice to talk - to express it's meaning in ways that are not available or achievable in everyday conversation.
Listening with a deeper ear.
Listening without judgment.
Hearing the voice of spirit, knowing there are powers beyond us at work - choosing the conversations and understanding that whatever the conversation, the resonance will be so deeply powerful, the clarification for both of you so profound words become an interruption - knowing what you both know is enough.
We've all experienced those conversations that run this deep and then again...
Laughter, laughter, laughter, deep penetrating root laughter crescendos through every fabric of the room - not caring who can hear, who can see, who can feel the laughter that fills the air and encapsulates everything - friendship, friendship, friendship - you know, I know, we know, when we are in the presence of friendship.
In friendship a sacred space can be created whenever you want to.
Remember that your present environment can be easily transformed through candles, incense, any of your choosing will do and some of my favourites are: frankincense and Myrrh, lavender, geranium, clary sage.
In sacred space the unspeakable can be spoken with silence bearing witness.
Speaking the unspeakable is an act of cleansing - it is an act of cleansing your soul.
Purity of intention when in the company of friends is very important and indeed essential to the process.
Speaking the once unspeakable in order to do harm won't support the healing of anyone and in fact will create great confusion, chaos and contamination of the sacred space - what some people often forget is that in pointing one finger, there are three fingers point back.
Any negative intention is likely to cause the person pointing more harm than the other person.
Sacred space needs to be created with the positive intent of addressing the issues of all concerned.
In the deepest of hurt, wounding can be healed, forgiveness can be given, starting with yourself, the highest mountain can be climbed starting with one small step, putting one foot in front of the other.
Continuously, consistently, deliberately telling yourself consciously and subconsciously that that is what you've prepared to do, every simple step of the way.
The journey may be painful sometimes, remember one small step, continuously, consistently, deliberately, and you will climb your mountain.
Believe it.
Believe it.
Know it to be true.
Just know it to be true and make it so.
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