Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Positive Habits For Preventing Back Pain Spine Discomfort

Our health can dictate the way we think, feel and attain serenity.
We include in our daily routine disease prevention habits like practicing proper dental hygiene to prevent the occurrence of dental related ailments.
However, back pain spine prevention habits that can prevent the onset of chronic lower back pain are not incorporated in our daily routine.
Neuroscience and current ecological thinking emphasize the brain-body-mind-spirit connection.
All of us and not just athletes need to be aware of our body, how it works and how to properly perform everyday activities without harming our bodies.
Cases of chronic lower back pain spine injury can be prevented if we practice proper measures like good posture in our daily activities.
Standing Requires Good Posture and Awareness Do you often find yourself standing in queues in shopping malls, airports and ATM and bank services? We seldom think of our posture during these times but good posture should be maintained while standing and waiting to minimize harmful pressure that cause stress to our spine and back pain.
How does a good standing posture look like? Imagine a vertical line falling from your ears.
A good posture means the line will fall straight down from your ear lobe through your shoulders, down the middle of your arm and your anklebone.
Your chin must be pushed a bit and your shoulders level are hanging back slightly.
Your hips should be aligned with your ankles, which can be accomplished by shifting your pelvis forward.
Good posture puts the spine in the right position which is tension and stress free thus avoiding back spine degradation.
In a good posture, the bio-mechanical position of the spine is comfortably balanced by the discs, ligaments and bones in our body.
When you encounter stress in your spine and back pain while in a standing queue you have to correct your posture outright.
Check the Way You Seat We usually overlook the way we seat but bad sitting posture can trigger stress on our backs which can later develop to chronic lower back pain.
Regardless of our sitting position whether in front of the TV watching or in front of our computer, we need to adapt to good sitting posture for comfort and to prevent back pain spine discomfort.
It is also advisable to invest on not so expensive ergonomic chair.
What is the bio-mechanically sound sitting position? We need to position our buttocks at the rear end of the seat and not at the front edge of the seat.
You can place a cushion to fill the space gap between your buttocks and the back of the chair if you are unable to rest your spine against the back of the chair comfortably.
The position of the knees should be leveled to the hip joint.
If you are not tall, the remedy is to put a footrest to maintain proper posture.
Make sure to change your body position every twenty minutes coupled with stretching, a little walking to get rid of undue stress in your body.
Standing and sitting form part of our normal body movement which should require more attention from us.
Relearning how to do these repetitive activities properly would significantly help prevent the onset of back pain spine illnesses.
Remember that the treatment for chronic lower back pain requires a complex process with high cost requirement while practicing basic proper posture learned from early school days can be applied outright without spending.
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