The fancy for sarkari naukri has been in the mindset of people since ages. After the independence days, people in India were quite enthusiastic for such jobs. Any kind of a job in the government was eagerly grabbed by the people. Be it the post of a clerk or that of an officer, such jobs were plentily available for people who could gather a bit of education. Those, who were not interested in agricultural practice, could find a place in the government machinery.
In the initial days, infrastructural organizations such as irrigation, housing boards, banks, Indian railways, etc were the hot spots for such jobs. The salary in such government jobs was adequate and sufficient for the people to lead a good and satisfying life. Gradually, the educational requirements were increased and the competition also doubled.
With the rising population, the developmental works of the government took a turn towards an increase. This gave rise to the number of govt jobs in India. But, simultaneously the number of candidates for a single job also rose due to the increase in population. Entrance tests and written exams were conducted on a national basis by the different departments.
Banks, Indian railways, hospitals, etc were filled up with the manpower through these tests. Jobs in Indian railways have been one of the most consistent scenarios in the developing nation. Ever since the railways came into force, the jobs in railways have been in demand. These jobs range from the grade D which is the lowest in the profile to the grade A which comprises of the officer posts.
The sarkari naukri is also coveted these days, after a small period of lull where the private jobs were ruling the roost. With bettering of the pay scale, and increase in the number of govt jobs in India, the scenario has already shifted towards a positive note. Many people are now waiting for the stipulated jobs in the government sector, as per their educational qualification.
Though there is an undeniably stiff competition, still, people are interested in these jobs. Most of these jobs are filled up through the recruitment drive by the union public service commission on a national level or by the state level public service commission. For the grade C and D posts, the local offices can do the recruitment. This particular mode of recruitment is followed for the jobs in Indian railways, in banks as well as in telecom industry.
The major advantage of the govt jobs in India is the policy of promotions which is in most areas based on time and duration. With the number of years of service, the time bound promotions are a major attractant for the people. By the virtue of their number of years of service, people can get promoted to the next higher posts where the perks and salaries are commensurate with the new posts. This enables the employees to lead a satisfactory life, without having to worry about their future. These posts have increased the enthusiasm of the people to look at these government jobs with a new vision.
In the initial days, infrastructural organizations such as irrigation, housing boards, banks, Indian railways, etc were the hot spots for such jobs. The salary in such government jobs was adequate and sufficient for the people to lead a good and satisfying life. Gradually, the educational requirements were increased and the competition also doubled.
With the rising population, the developmental works of the government took a turn towards an increase. This gave rise to the number of govt jobs in India. But, simultaneously the number of candidates for a single job also rose due to the increase in population. Entrance tests and written exams were conducted on a national basis by the different departments.
Banks, Indian railways, hospitals, etc were filled up with the manpower through these tests. Jobs in Indian railways have been one of the most consistent scenarios in the developing nation. Ever since the railways came into force, the jobs in railways have been in demand. These jobs range from the grade D which is the lowest in the profile to the grade A which comprises of the officer posts.
The sarkari naukri is also coveted these days, after a small period of lull where the private jobs were ruling the roost. With bettering of the pay scale, and increase in the number of govt jobs in India, the scenario has already shifted towards a positive note. Many people are now waiting for the stipulated jobs in the government sector, as per their educational qualification.
Though there is an undeniably stiff competition, still, people are interested in these jobs. Most of these jobs are filled up through the recruitment drive by the union public service commission on a national level or by the state level public service commission. For the grade C and D posts, the local offices can do the recruitment. This particular mode of recruitment is followed for the jobs in Indian railways, in banks as well as in telecom industry.
The major advantage of the govt jobs in India is the policy of promotions which is in most areas based on time and duration. With the number of years of service, the time bound promotions are a major attractant for the people. By the virtue of their number of years of service, people can get promoted to the next higher posts where the perks and salaries are commensurate with the new posts. This enables the employees to lead a satisfactory life, without having to worry about their future. These posts have increased the enthusiasm of the people to look at these government jobs with a new vision.