- Depending on what section of pharmacy you decide to work in, as a pharmacy technician you will be required to do all or some of the following: typing prescriptions into the computer, assisting the pharmacist in labeling and filling prescriptions, and ordering medications.
- There are two ways to become a CPhT. First, you can apply for a job at a local retail pharmacy, such as CVS or Walgreens, as a pharmacy service associate (PSA). Most major retail pharmacies have a program for PSAs to become CPhTs and will pay for you to take the national CPhT test.
- Second, you may either sign up for a local class that will help you prepare for the test or study on your own and take the test when you feel prepared. For more information on the test, see PTCB.org. Certification is voluntary in some states, but it is required by most employers. The test consists of 90 multiple choice questions, and you are given two hours to complete it. You must obtain a scaled score of at least 650 to pass.
- Aside from taking the national certification test, a pharmacy technician should possess the following skills/personality traits: proficient typist, fast learner, alert, observant, organized, dedicated and responsible.
- As a certified pharmacy technician, you have the potential to earn up to $18 per hour, according to payscale.com. As an inexperienced pharmacy technician, you will generally earn between $10 to $12 per hour.
Job Description
Pharmacy Certification Test: Part 1
Pharmacy Certification Test: Part 2