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Harsh Times Bring Tremendous Opportunities A few years ago, as a nation, we lost two important things.
We lost our way as a nation - we forgot that free enterprise made this the most prosperous (and happy) country in the world's history.
And we lost our nerve.
There are two types of person each of us chooses to be: the Entrepreneur, or the Victim.
As your life grows and changes, you might slip from one type to the other...
but in my experience as an executive coach and counselor, I've found that most people demonstrate a lifelong pattern of action that leans in one or the other direction fairly consistently.
And some time ago - sometime after the amazing unity we showed in the wake of 9/11 and the tough campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan - the balance in America shifted to the Victim side.
When that happened, we generally stopped taking chances.
Victims don't take chances - they're too scared.
Now, not everyone stopped taking risks; investment bankers and government "regulators" started rolling the dice big-time, playing on our fears and amassing unprecedented (but illusory) amounts of wealth based on what amounted to fake mortgages pushed upon people who had no chance to pay them back.
The average person lost his nerve, and our leaders lost their way.
As a result, there is an economic storm coming that will make the 1930s "Great Depression" feel like Happy Days.
Experts say things are going to get much worse: gas will become prohibitively expensive for average people, few will have jobs outside the government, the dollar will become nearly worthless and the stock market will drop to levels not seen for decades.
It's true: it is not that far to fall from Labor Unions to the Soviet Union...
and America is in full free-fall right now.
These are the results of our loss of purpose, and of courage.
We've allowed radical people to take control of the leadership of our country, and they are determined to replay the grand experiment of collective statism which has failed spectacularly every time it's been tried.
This time, the failure will be explosive.
And then, as a devastating forest fire finally exhausts its fuel and fizzles, the socialist experiment will run out of other peoples' money and die with a whimper.
After a forest fire, nature immediately goes about rejuvenating the forest, one sapling at a time.
After the coming economic wreck, the recovery will be led by ordinary Entrepreneurs, people who've rediscovered the purpose of the nation and who have the courage to rebuild it, one business venture at a time.
During the Great Depression, more millionaires were created than at any other time in history.
They were the Entrepreneurs, the ordinary people who didn't lose their way, and didn't lose their nerve.
They realized that times of extreme calamity present new and unprecedented opportunities.
They cut themselves loose from the stranglehold of socialist administration, and went out and started a business.
People called those Entrepreneurs crazy, and if you follow the trail they blazed, you might hear the same type of criticism.
But experts say $50 trillion will change hands in the next few months and years, from the ill-informed to the well-informed.
Get a real education about what's happening in the global economy...
make contrarian investments in precious metals and amplifying ETFs...
and start a business.
You need to declare your independence from the system of Victimhood, and take a leadership role in rebuilding our free-market society.
by Michael D.
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