Health & Medical Nutrition

Spread the Juicy Addiction

Make Mealtime Fun time Everyone loves food variety…and most of us love sweet alternatives to the boring food that we take everyday.
Carbonated drinks like colas and packaged snack foods with preservatives might add zing to your palate but you have to pay a heavy price for their ill-effects (bad cholesterol, calcium erosion in bones and high blood pressure).
While the young may escape its bad effects, why take them when you have better/smarter alternatives in tasty ‘fruity’ dishes taken the natural way? Nature has blessed us with so many varieties of fruits and vegetable that its fresh vegetable and fruit juice and mouthwatering dishes/ice-creams can be easily used to get kids and elders addicted to this tastier and healthier alternative.
Mealtime is an important family get-together too –add the ‘health zing’ by make this living foods lifestyle full of smart occasion of healthy celebration/elation.
Fruity Decision ‘Health is wealth’ is true in many ways…while the initial cost of fruits may seem high; their heath benefits far outweigh the costs.
As they keep you fitter and healthier always, your trips to doctor are minimized, your work performance improves and your looks get a boost.
So give in to the joy of juicing, rejoice your submission to Mother Nature and enjoy better vitality thanks to this healthier smarter alternative.
Have you noticed that organic fruit and vegetable taste just right - they are neither too sweet nor too sour as Mother Nature knows what’s right for our taste buds whets best for our body’s well being too! So if you love yourself and family, make a bold fruit statement in all your meal/snack times…and enjoy the good health dividends forever! Champion Juicer – Your Health Buddy OK so juice is a smart health’s wealth option, and the best way to have them is fresh home made juices! In fact juices got from a masticating juicer are the best option as give maximum nutrients and the juice is tastier with some yummy fibers too! For your own body sake don’t get lazy and have chemical laced packaged, while the centrifugal juicers don’t do the job properly as they miss out on many fibers and micro nutrients.
One of the best masticating juicers available is the Champion juicers (since 1955).
It’s a popular masticating juicer that’s powerful and famous for its durability, reliability and real integrity.
Manufactured by Plastaket Manufacturing Co.
in California, this juicer range is backed-up with a 10 year limited warranty.
Champion Juicers have a simple answer to every juicing problem.
Champion juicers chew the fibers and this break up the cells of vegetables and fruits.
What you get is a great health drink that gives you more fiber, enzymes, vitamins and trace minerals.
Your health benefits from a darker, richer color juice with a full-bodied flavor that is sweeter with more full-bodied flavor.
This raw food nutrition is great to taste (see some great recipes at [http://www.
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