Health & Medical Anxiety

The Positive Aspects of Relaxation Videos

Relaxation video and DVD programming is a precious resource for some of the healthcare environment that mainly comprise hospitals, rehabilitation, skilled nursing and assisted living facilities, hospitals, oncology centers, kidney and heart centers as well as homecare settings.
It consists of peaceful video scenes accompanied with gentle and inspiring therapeutic music.
For patients suffering from Alzheimer's and dementia as well as strokes, brain injuries and Parkinson's disease these relaxation videos have an extremely positive effect.
a)Divine Inspiration is a perfect blend of inspiring traditional hymn music along with amazing scenes of old rural churches and places of worship.
Those with a religious bend of mind find extreme relaxation with these devotional music and pictures.
Therefore animal videos are of great use for the rehabilitation centers.
b) Animals: Animals are generally the best friends of human beings and those people who are unwell (physically or mentally gets a lot of peace while observing the animals).
Dogs: Most people have a fascination for dogs.
For them, pictures of dogs are extremely rejuvenating.
Therefore, videos related to dogs and puppies have a positive impact in the minds of people.
The scenes of the puppies playing games (as are commonly seen in the Animal Planet) with the accompaniment of lively music surely make them feel calm and relaxed.
Goose: The scene of the goose paddling in a river is indeed beautiful and when it is combined with light music the audience is enthralled.
There is adult goose and children goose interspersed in between the adults lighted by the bright sunrays; the soft music which is played in the background is quite rejuvenating.
c) Flowers One can enjoy the rich and attractive scenery in this serene forest setting.
You can have a view of the wooded countryside an also admire the flowers, ferns, mushrooms, berries, ponds, creeks and wild animals in that special environment.
This scenic relaxation video has a very soothing music in its background and often there is also a small narration accompanied with it.
Length of productions: The length of production is kept short so that there is no stress.
It is generally up to 20 to 30 minutes each, recognizing that viewers' attention spans are short.
Colors: Mainly colors of fiery origin are not used.
Therefore you can see maximum use of blue, green, gold and brown are highlighted.
Research indicates that these colors can relax and stimulate mental activity in viewers.
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