Society & Culture & Entertainment Horoscopes

Koran Burning Astrologically

The whole drama of Koran burning which involved pronouncing of Koran burning threat, retracting it and again whispering it can be weighed in astrological terms and precise intentions of the persons involved along with the effect it caused on to the nations involved.
The day when this deed was to be implemented was 11th of September 2010, the auspicious day of Eid for the Muslim world. For this day if the moon chart is drawn we find that the moon ascendant is Libra housing Moon, Mars and Venus. The moon is situated in its neutral house in Swati constellation whose lord is Rahu whereas Mars is in Chitra constellation whose lord is Venus and Venus is in Swati constellation which is ruled by Rahu. The position of the Environment is not panicky as the days chart is very strong and has sufficient power to resist these acts of madness which can arouse public outcry and hatred. The Ascendant is strong whereas ketu is positioned in the ninth house, which in every case shall protect the cause of religion what so ever the religion may be. The positioning of Sun in eleventh house sees a certain intervention of Government, which will certainly cool the things down and the positioning of Jupiter in the sixth house belonging to Pisces also sheds some intelligence in the environ to cool down the nerves.
The position of Saturn, Rahu and Mars are not that good for improving the cordiality between the various leading religion and the tension is left to brew.
The chart of United State of America, drawn considering its birth on 4th July 1776 at 17:10, Philadelphia, suggests that it also has to guard itself and not fall prey these kinds of petty issues which can tear it radically. There is a serious threat to the supremacy enjoyed by this country and to take a series of calculative corrective measure is the call of the day Vedic astrologically.

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