Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

How to Write an EBook Easily and For Free

Knowing how to write an eBook is a valuable skill to have when it comes to online marketing whether you're trying to generate traffic for your site or even make some money.
From a traffic standpoint, being able to provide an eBook as a free incentive is a great way to motivate people to come to your site in exchange for the free eBook.
People love freebies of all kinds, and instant downloads are some of the best.
You can also use an eBook to convince people to sign up for your mailing list, "like" you on Facebook, etc.
, so it's a great incentive to use towards whatever end which you are trying to meet.
Conversely, you can make money from knowing how to write an eBook.
Informational products sell very well online because there is no wait whatsoever, it's an immediate download after purchase.
You can write a quality eBook within your niche and sell it through your website, even listing it on affiliate networks so that you can get affiliate support to sell it for you.
You can even write eBooks for other webmasters in exchange for payment.
The point is, it pays knowing how to write an eBook.
I've written a few eBooks myself over the years, so in this article I'm going to talk about how to write an eBook.
First and foremost, you should identify a niche which has a need for informational products.
Even if you don't anticipate selling your eBook, you'll get more downloads in a niche in which people are already interested and actively purchasing eBooks typically than a niche where they are not selling, though it's not a hard and fast rule.
The best niches are those in which people are desperate for solutions to their problems whether that's in the medical, relationship, or other field of the like.
You might search some forums related to your niche to see if there are indeed people out there looking for solutions to your problem.
You can take their questions and turn that into fodder for your book.
Once you've finished writing the book you can even return to that forum and advertise it there.
Once you've pegged your niche you should put together an outline for your eBook or a chapter structure.
I recommend that you progress through the problem with each chapter, revealing more of the solution with each chapter so that it's a linear read in which you address the problem in opening and the further which they get, the closer they are to fixing their problem in full thanks to your book.
When it comes to actually writing the eBook itself, you can either write it yourself or outsource to someone else.
I personally write everything which I put out myself as I'm a control freak and don't trust anyone else with anything which I am promoting in terms of information.
I also like to know that I know what I am writing about as well as promoting rather than just promoting something which someone else took the time to learn and write about.
As for how to write the eBook itself from a technical point of view, I use OpenOffice's "Writer" program which is a free alternative to Microsoft's Word and which is virtually identical in most respects.
It's easy to work with different fonts, margins, make your table of contents live link clickable so that clicking on chapter titles takes you to that corresponding chapter.
Once you've finished writing your eBook, you can go write up to the menu bar and click on a "PDF" icon which exports your document as is to a downloadable PDF format, the preferred format of eBooks.
There are also a lot of free resources for creating attractive cover material and graphics for your eBook to give it a more professional and quality look when displaying the eBook on your site.
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