There are two news for women who dream of losing weight. The bad news is that there is no single recipe that will be equally effective for all and good €" you can choose a diet that best suits you
In this article we will make a brief review of the most popular diets and explain, through which they work.
PROS: This is one of the most effective methods of weight loss €" raw vegetables are low in calories and high in vitamins that are stored if the food does not handle the heat. In addition, raw vegetables contain valuable enzymes that contribute to health promotion. At 75-80% raw food diet you should be damp not thermally processed foods.
CONS: It's not easy €" love raw beets and carrots, if you are not accustomed to such food. In addition, when the raw food diet since the early days, you may receive disorder of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea), which causes weakness and impairs the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Another shortcoming of the raw food diet €" low in protein in food. Vegetable protein cannot replace protein from meat, so there is a risk of protein deficiency, which may impair health. And do not forget the factor of nitrates €" we do not know how €clean€ and rich in vitamins vegetables can be purchased at the supermarket.
PROS: The emphasis is on large amounts of food to the stomach is full, and you do not suffer from hunger. Choose products with no need to limit starchy vegetables, skim milk, soup, cereals, legumes, lean meat. This type of diet is balanced €" you do not deprive yourself of certain nutrients, choosing the least-calorie dishes.
CONS: This food is healthy, but it may seem tasteless.
PROS: Vegetables and fruits are useful not only for the figure, but also for health. Vegan diet is balanced, and it is rich in fiber, which improves digestion and positive effect on the complexion. But with this diet will have to completely give up meat, dairy products, eggs and fats (butter, margarine). To replenish the protein in the body, include in a diet legumes (beans, peas, and lentils), nuts, seeds, cereals.
CONS: You lose the most simple (and delicious) source of protein €" meat. As mentioned above, the proteins found in meat, vegetable proteins are different from, and one might even say, are indispensable for the organism.
PROS: This diet allows eating fatty and fried meat with almost no restrictions. But you have to completely give up foods containing carbohydrates. During the diet your body will have to be reconstructed: in the past been a source of energy carbohydrates, in their absence, the body must get energy from fat. This will help burn fat, even if you eat chicken rosy.
CONS: Lack of carbohydrates can cause fatigue, irritability, fatigue and a negative effect on mood €" carbohydrates stimulate the brain to produce serotonin (€hormone€ joy).
PROS: This diet is based on the observation that people living in areas adjacent to the Mediterranean countries live longer and suffer less. Such a diet protects against diseases and cancers, and is close in spirit to us €" a Russian. The main motto of this diet: everything is possible, but in reasonable quantities. The Mediterranean diet can eat any food, not counting calories, and thus receive enough nutrients. On the table must be present fresh vegetables and seafood €" at least twice a week. Dishes with olive oil and herbs. If desired, you can finish dinner glass of red wine.
CONS: While enjoying a meal, do not forget about moderation €" pastries and pasta contain lots of calories and sweet you can afford only occasionally.
PROS: This diet is popular in the West, where there are calls to abandon the thermally processed foods, go to the cave men, eating and getting rid of the diseases of civilization (the gastrointestinal tract, high cholesterol, metabolic disorders). To eat all the rules of the Paleolithic, you have only those products that could produce a caveman €" vegetables, fruits, chicken, fish, meat (lean, thermally treated). Bread, cereal, dairy products will be deleted.
CONS: This is an unbalanced diet, giving up dairy products and grains; you get insufficient amounts of nutrients that could adversely affect health.
Diets very much, but there is no universal, which would be equally effective for all. So if you decide to lose weight through diet, choose a method that suits you. When choosing a diet must take into account age, health status and presence of co morbidities, level of physical activity and stress level, you're eating habits. It is not necessary to agree on a diet, if you have to eat food you hate €" is not only slow weight loss, but also accelerate the return to its previous state after the diet.
The main problem with any diet (other than bulk) is the feeling of hunger which forces eventually eat more than you planned. But this problem has a solution €" you can take pills that reduce hunger, for example, Dietressu. This drug affects the hunger center, located in the hypothalamus, decreases appetite and speeds up the onset of satiety during meals. Of course, Dietressa can and does refuse to diet and be glad that you can control your appetite and eat almost every day.
But do not abandon good nutrition, even if you intend to lose weight as quickly as possible. The damage that can cause the body to not eating, could immediately affect the appearance and feel. Against the background of malnutrition is often a weakness, irritability, bad mood €" and with such a mental attitude you will not be easy to return the beauty of the body.
So choose a diet that you like, combine it with Dietressoy, indulge yourself from time to time prohibited foods grow thin and your health! Do not forget that items should bring joy and a sense of lightness and vivacity.
In this article we will make a brief review of the most popular diets and explain, through which they work.
PROS: This is one of the most effective methods of weight loss €" raw vegetables are low in calories and high in vitamins that are stored if the food does not handle the heat. In addition, raw vegetables contain valuable enzymes that contribute to health promotion. At 75-80% raw food diet you should be damp not thermally processed foods.
CONS: It's not easy €" love raw beets and carrots, if you are not accustomed to such food. In addition, when the raw food diet since the early days, you may receive disorder of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea), which causes weakness and impairs the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Another shortcoming of the raw food diet €" low in protein in food. Vegetable protein cannot replace protein from meat, so there is a risk of protein deficiency, which may impair health. And do not forget the factor of nitrates €" we do not know how €clean€ and rich in vitamins vegetables can be purchased at the supermarket.
PROS: The emphasis is on large amounts of food to the stomach is full, and you do not suffer from hunger. Choose products with no need to limit starchy vegetables, skim milk, soup, cereals, legumes, lean meat. This type of diet is balanced €" you do not deprive yourself of certain nutrients, choosing the least-calorie dishes.
CONS: This food is healthy, but it may seem tasteless.
PROS: Vegetables and fruits are useful not only for the figure, but also for health. Vegan diet is balanced, and it is rich in fiber, which improves digestion and positive effect on the complexion. But with this diet will have to completely give up meat, dairy products, eggs and fats (butter, margarine). To replenish the protein in the body, include in a diet legumes (beans, peas, and lentils), nuts, seeds, cereals.
CONS: You lose the most simple (and delicious) source of protein €" meat. As mentioned above, the proteins found in meat, vegetable proteins are different from, and one might even say, are indispensable for the organism.
PROS: This diet allows eating fatty and fried meat with almost no restrictions. But you have to completely give up foods containing carbohydrates. During the diet your body will have to be reconstructed: in the past been a source of energy carbohydrates, in their absence, the body must get energy from fat. This will help burn fat, even if you eat chicken rosy.
CONS: Lack of carbohydrates can cause fatigue, irritability, fatigue and a negative effect on mood €" carbohydrates stimulate the brain to produce serotonin (€hormone€ joy).
PROS: This diet is based on the observation that people living in areas adjacent to the Mediterranean countries live longer and suffer less. Such a diet protects against diseases and cancers, and is close in spirit to us €" a Russian. The main motto of this diet: everything is possible, but in reasonable quantities. The Mediterranean diet can eat any food, not counting calories, and thus receive enough nutrients. On the table must be present fresh vegetables and seafood €" at least twice a week. Dishes with olive oil and herbs. If desired, you can finish dinner glass of red wine.
CONS: While enjoying a meal, do not forget about moderation €" pastries and pasta contain lots of calories and sweet you can afford only occasionally.
PROS: This diet is popular in the West, where there are calls to abandon the thermally processed foods, go to the cave men, eating and getting rid of the diseases of civilization (the gastrointestinal tract, high cholesterol, metabolic disorders). To eat all the rules of the Paleolithic, you have only those products that could produce a caveman €" vegetables, fruits, chicken, fish, meat (lean, thermally treated). Bread, cereal, dairy products will be deleted.
CONS: This is an unbalanced diet, giving up dairy products and grains; you get insufficient amounts of nutrients that could adversely affect health.
Diets very much, but there is no universal, which would be equally effective for all. So if you decide to lose weight through diet, choose a method that suits you. When choosing a diet must take into account age, health status and presence of co morbidities, level of physical activity and stress level, you're eating habits. It is not necessary to agree on a diet, if you have to eat food you hate €" is not only slow weight loss, but also accelerate the return to its previous state after the diet.
The main problem with any diet (other than bulk) is the feeling of hunger which forces eventually eat more than you planned. But this problem has a solution €" you can take pills that reduce hunger, for example, Dietressu. This drug affects the hunger center, located in the hypothalamus, decreases appetite and speeds up the onset of satiety during meals. Of course, Dietressa can and does refuse to diet and be glad that you can control your appetite and eat almost every day.
But do not abandon good nutrition, even if you intend to lose weight as quickly as possible. The damage that can cause the body to not eating, could immediately affect the appearance and feel. Against the background of malnutrition is often a weakness, irritability, bad mood €" and with such a mental attitude you will not be easy to return the beauty of the body.
So choose a diet that you like, combine it with Dietressoy, indulge yourself from time to time prohibited foods grow thin and your health! Do not forget that items should bring joy and a sense of lightness and vivacity.