Video Transcript
So, one of the first steps I like to do when preparing my grill is soak my skewers. You can purchase regular garden variety skewers at a grocery store, at a specialty market, whatever. When you're planning to grill it's nice to figure out if your going to serve these as an appetizer then you can trim them a little bit shorter so that when you grill the shrimp they can just pick it up and serve it immediately and pop it in their mouths. But today I'm going to make them as a bigger entr?e so I don't need to cut them quit so small. So, my first step is filling a water glass about three quarters to four fifths of the way and measuring it just almost to the top and I'm going to cut with a pair of gardening shears the balance of it off and then I'm going to pop it right in the water. Now, I've already done one ahead of time so you can use that as a template to cut the rest of them. Just do a few of them at a time so you don't get corporal tunnel. Pull this right back out, that's your template, boom, confetti, catering confetti, alright. You let them soak for about twenty minutes. When you soak your skewers it not only prevents the wood from burning when it's in the grill but it also steams the moisture inside the wood, it also steams the food from the inside so it's a little extra moisture secret.