Business & Finance Social Media

Boost Up Your Business With Joomla Facebook Modules

A lot of business owners acknowledge the popularity of Facebook, not just as a social networking site but also as a source of customers.
People from all walks of life are into Facebook, making it the largest online community worldwide.
Even if you are not one of the big guns in business, you can still incorporate Facebook to your business or even your own personal website, especially now that there are a variety of Joomla Facebook modules that you can use.
Joomla is the leading Content Management Systems provider that is recognized around the world.
Now that Joomla and Facebook has integrated social networking as a means to promote any website, now is the perfect chance for you to take advantage of that.
The Joomla 1.
5 Facebook module is the latest version that has so far is considered to have the best widgets available.
Add to the fact that Facebook is the leading social networking site today.
Out of the many Joomla Facebook extensions available in the market today, listed below are some of the most recognized and highly popular ones: * The connect module is a login module that enables users to access their Facebook accounts without having to leave your webpage.
Visitors will indirectly share about your site once they connect to their Facebook accounts using your webpage.
This module gives utmost convenience to your visitors without leaving your page.
Because of this, you can expect a lot of word-of-mouth advertisement for your page.
* Your visitors will also be able to show their appreciation or recognition of your site by simply using the Joomla Facebook like button.
This like plug-in is a sure-fire way of letting your visitors' Facebook friends to indirectly promote your site.
* The Likebox, also known as the Fanbox Module will display how many "fans" or "likes" your webpage has.
Also visible will be the recent posts of your visitors.
First time visitors would see how popular your site has become that they would also want to be part of.
* The Joomla Facebook Comment Module allows visitors and users to post what they think about your webpage.
User comments will also be visible on your webpage, plus they are shared with your visitors' Facebook friends.
* There is also the Joomla Facebook Share Module that lets your visitors share your webpage on their Facebook walls, for all of their friends to see.
With this module, you are assured of reaching a lot of people in just a click of the button.
That's viral advertisement working at its best for your website.
This will generate more traffic to your site, giving you increased sales.
* It is also interesting to note of the Events Module wherein you can post upcoming events.
This can generate more interest from a lot of Facebook users.
* Another module that you can benefit from is the Feed Module; recent activities of your site will be viewed by visitors' Facebook friends.
There are still a lot of Joomla Facebook extensions to choose from so don't miss out of the perfect opportunity to advertise your webpage to the whole world!
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