- Nectria canker will cause foliage and branches to die back.dead tree image by Deborah Durbin from Fotolia.com
Nectria canker is a fungal disease that infects the bark of the magnolia tree. It is transported by fungal spores that enter the tree through existing open wounds. The bark will become discolored at the site of infection. As the disease progresses the bark cankers and callouses, growth is stunted and branches will die back. Stressed magnolia trees are more vulnerable. With nectria canker there is no cure, only management in pruning back the plant. - Slime from an infected tree can kill healthy vegetation on contact.wet lemon image by Cesar Andrade from Fotolia.com
Wet wood, also known as slime flux, is a condition where a collection of bacteria finds its way into the tree bark through open wounds and natural openings. The infected wood becomes water soaked and begins to discolor and decay. As the disease spreads the bacteria exerts a rancid odor. The bacteria "slime" that oozes from the tree can kill other vegetation on contact. Unfortunately there are no curative or preventative measures. - Severly infected trees will ooze liquid.sap on the bark image by Miroslava Holasov?? from Fotolia.com
Armillaria root rot, also known as shoestring root rot, is a soil-borne fungus. It mostly infects drought-stressed and frost-injured magnolia trees. The fungus enters through the roots and begins decaying the fine feeder roots of the tree. It then spreads to the bark, leading to discoloration and decay. Other symptoms include growth stunt and die back. In the most severe cases the bark will ooze a white-yellow liquid. There is no cure, however, there are fungicidal preventative treatments. - The bark of a young magnolia tree is unusually thin.shag-bark hickory bark texture, color image by Scott Slattery from Fotolia.com
Most fungal bark afflictions enter through natural openings and wounds in the bark. Young magnolia trees have very thin bark that can be easily damaged. Careful attention needs to be paid to protecting the bark. Immediate treatment of any open wounds will prevent infection. Fungal diseases also may be prevented with fertilization and attention to watering. - Removing dead leaves from the base of the tree will help prevent fungal growths.pile of autumn leaves image by R MACKAY from Fotolia.com
In addition to protecting the bark of the magnolia, providing the proper environment will promote health. Magnolia trees require partial to full sun in order to thrive. They are not too partial to the soil provided, however moderated watering is important. Always raking up dead and fallen leaves from the base of the tree will help prevent the growth of damaging fungus.
Nectria Canker
Wet wood
Armillaria Root Rot
Disease Prevention
Healthy care