Family & Relationships: How to Write a Speech About My Son Singles & Dating

How to Write a Speech About My Son

Writing a speech in general can be a challenging endeavor; however, when you write about family members, the task becomes even more daunting. The trick to a successful speech about a family member is to balance between facts and sticking with a theme plus adding anecdotal information that gives the

Family & Relationships: Dating a Non Christian Singles & Dating

Dating a Non Christian

A step by step overview of the implications that accompany dating a non-christian.Written from a Christian perspective, this article will enhance your performance in the dating world you belong to.

Family & Relationships: How To Flirt With Anyone Singles & Dating

How To Flirt With Anyone

Showing an interest in learning how to flirt does not necessarily mean you are trying to create a romantic relationship. Flirting is simply a very good way to express interest in another person, when done in the right way. One important tip concerning how to flirt with women is that you should never

Family & Relationships: Twelve Ways to Make Your Spouse Dislike Sex Singles & Dating

Twelve Ways to Make Your Spouse Dislike Sex

Its really not difficult to ruin what could have been great sex. If thats your goal, following these twelve suggestions will ensure that, over time, your spouse will become very creative in finding ways to avoid having sex with you. Of course, I'm writing this article tongue in cheek to make a