Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Homework: Whose Problem Is This?

Homework: Whose Problem Is This?

If you get stressed and exhausted helping your child with homework try these three tips and make your life - and that of your child- easier and more fun!

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: GMAT Sentence Correction - Get it Right Every Singe Time!

GMAT Sentence Correction - Get it Right Every Singe Time!

What's wrong with this sentence? Are you saying nothing?Probably true, in a colloquial everyday usage but would this sentence pass muster in a GMAT sentence correction section?Probably not. The Sentence correction questions in the GMAT verbal section aim to test you for your ability to identify

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How Easy is it to Master a Language?

How Easy is it to Master a Language?

If you've been searching around for a language course to take, you've probably come across the occasional pitch that claims they can make mastering a language a piece of cake. Before you buy into that pipe dream, let me tell you now: they're probably lying.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: West Virginia Culinary Schools

West Virginia Culinary Schools

Even in a struggling economy there remains a high demand for trained chefs. In West Virginia, a booming culinary scene is staffed by many graduates from the state's various culinary schools. Offering degree tracks like culinary arts associates and certificates, baking and pastry arts associates and

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: College Dorm Life Puts You Through New Experiences

College Dorm Life Puts You Through New Experiences

College dorm life can be whole new rush of emotions and experience for you on joining a college. Because until now you were under parental guidance, but living in a dorm with unknown faces is totally different from your home. It can be joyful or even nightmarish for you.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How Does Light Travel From the Sun to Earth?

How Does Light Travel From the Sun to Earth?

Electromagnetic WavesTo understand how light travels from the sun to the Earth, you have to understand what light is. Light is an electromagnetic wave--a wave of electric and magnetic energy oscillating very quickly. There are many different electromagnetic waves, and the type is...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Learn different math properties online

Learn different math properties online

Hello my dear students, today we will put light on one of the most important property of math i.e. distributive property. The distributive property states the distribution of multiplication over addition. It is defined as: ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Marketing Topics for an MBA Project

Marketing Topics for an MBA Project

Instructors use projects and presentations to assess their students' skills and abilities in implementing theory in practice. Academic business departments may require MBA students to submit projects in the last semester of their studies. A student selects a research topic; gets instructor approval;

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Crop Circles!

Crop Circles!

The number of circles reported varies from approximately 2,000 (according to the International Crop Circle Database) to an estimated 10,000 sightings worldwide. The first patterns were simple circles and rings in wheat and barley fields. Recent patterns are elaborate geometrical designs, including

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Virgin Islands Flag

Virgin Islands Flag

A wonderful graphic of a Virgin Islands flag with information about its design and colors.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: GITM Maintains High Quality Academic Standards

GITM Maintains High Quality Academic Standards

Many students opt for engineering to explore a variety of different approaches of studies in the field of engineering and learn what it takes to turn an idea into reality, with numerous opportunities for developing ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Franklin Electronic Dictionary - Learning Language Made Much Easier

Franklin Electronic Dictionary - Learning Language Made Much Easier

Not that many people might know it, but a Franklin electronic dictionary is actually a helpful gadget to have especially if you want a handy dictionary with you at all times. In fact, there are countless people that use an electronic dictionary all across the world. These types of dictionaries are p

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Zanabazar Facts

Zanabazar Facts

This dinosaur was named after a Tibetan spiritual leader.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Virtual Schools Gives New Ways to Educate Students

Virtual Schools Gives New Ways to Educate Students

There are many endless possibilities to get a good education from a decent school. But only few of us can afford to go to private schools.However, because of the modern technology we have, probably 10% ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Pygmies Have Genes Our Over Populated World Could Use - Is This the Answer?

Pygmies Have Genes Our Over Populated World Could Use - Is This the Answer?

Over the years, I've talked to many futurists and people involved in the overpopulation problem here on Earth. Some of these gentlemen are involved in a rather large organization, and fairly politically astute. Others have perhaps philosophical reasons, as do some of scientists and science fict

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: EMS Mutagenesis Protocol

EMS Mutagenesis Protocol

Mutagenesis protocols are processes used to cause permanent gene mutations. Genes mutate on a regular basis, depending on the current demands of the environment; however, few of these opportunistic mutations are passed on. In order to create stable, controlled mutations, protocols are used. Accor

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: I Wish I Had

I Wish I Had

This guide to expressing wishes explains the common phrase I wish I had and similar expressions used to express wishes in the present and the past.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Winter Holidays Around the World Kindergarten Activities

Winter Holidays Around the World Kindergarten Activities

The winter holiday season is celebrated around the world in a variety of ways, such as the German lighting of the Christmas tree Christmas Eve celebration or the English cracker favor tradition, or pull-apart toys filled with small gifts, jokes and games. Expose your kindergarten class to holiday tr