Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Clean Canon Camera Lens Haze

How to Clean Canon Camera Lens Haze

You line up the shot, everything's great, but when you get home to review, your photos are hazy and blurry. Rats.Those of us who spend money on our lenses like to baby them, and going in for a ritual cleaning can feel almost like doing surgery on a loved one. But with a little bit of pre

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Part II: Video Montages Tech Talk Tutorial

Part II: Video Montages Tech Talk Tutorial

This article is part two in our continuing series on the technical side of creating video montages for weddings, sweet 16s, quinceaneras or bar/bat mitzvahs. If you haven't read part one, please goggle that first, before reading part two. When we last left off, you had successfully navigated pa

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Edit Your Puppy Picture to Ensure it Looks Good on the Web

Edit Your Puppy Picture to Ensure it Looks Good on the Web

Having pictures developed when you are using film-based cameras can be quite expensive for a non-profit project. To cut down cost, you might want to make use of digital cameras instead with features that will help you get quality photos of your pet.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Remember the Moments Through the Picture

Remember the Moments Through the Picture

Remembering the day of wedding is always a great feel. All remembers this precious day of their past with a nice emotion. And the day of marriage is the day of bride and groom. And ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Re-Creating the Film Noir Look in Photography

Re-Creating the Film Noir Look in Photography

Crime drama, Private investigators, gumshoes, the P.I, shadows, smoke, the Femme Fatale, these are the stuff of Hollywood's Film Noir. I have always loved the movies of the 1940's and 1950's.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The latest materials used in digital photo frames

The latest materials used in digital photo frames

Classic wood or plastic photo frames arе outdated. The 21st century doesn't mеаn displaying оne old picture fоr years and years іn thе living room, but uѕing аll оf thе digital world possibil

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: First Communion Photography Tips

First Communion Photography Tips

Find the best light for the photos.certosa image by from Fotolia.comIn the Roman Catholic Church, a child's first communion is a major step in her religious development. As such, it is natural to want to be able to capture photographs of the big event. However, working...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How do I Purchase a Gold Masquerade Feather Mask Online?

How do I Purchase a Gold Masquerade Feather Mask Online?

The Internet is an endless resource of options when you are in need of very specified items, such as gold feather masks. Narrow down your choices and purchase with confidence by following a few simple tips.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Cat House Plans - Plans For Cat House

Cat House Plans - Plans For Cat House

Litter box training for cats is generally a simple matter. Unlike dogs, cats are much easier to house train, probably because as a rule you do not expect your cat to go outside. Kittens and ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Nikon D3100: Easy To Use Camera

Nikon D3100: Easy To Use Camera

The D3100 is its newest entry-level product and its very first DSLR, which can record 1080p HD video clips. Now, a digital single-lens reflex camera or simply DSLR refers to a digital camera, which makes use of a mechanical mirror arrangement as well as penta-prism for directing light from lens to t

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Upload Large Photos

How to Upload Large Photos

If you want to upload a large photo to the web, you may run into a few snags. Many websites only allow you to upload photos up to a certain size. The easiest way to get around this is by reducing the resolution size, or pixels per inch, of the photo. Reducing resolution size will also reduce the a

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Print on a Coffee Mug

How to Print on a Coffee Mug

Several businesses will print anything you like on coffee mugs. You can make one as a gift, or do large orders for a sale. Many photo labs will print your photos on mugs, and some online services allow you to upload any image and choose a mug to print it on. The outside of the mug body will generall

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Purchasing Picture Frames For Every Room

Purchasing Picture Frames For Every Room

I think pictures are one of the most salient parts of a person's history. They show you the memories that you often forget over times. They can show you the good times you shared with family and friends, as well as detail some of the events you would like to forget. It does not matter what the

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Concept of Zoom Lenses

The Concept of Zoom Lenses

Zoom lenses (those in which focal length and, hence, the field of view can be adjusted without affecting focus) are fitted almost universally to non-SLR digital cameras. Not only are these zoom lenses convenient for the photographer - they provide a choice of subject framings and magnifications all

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: All You Need to Know About Modern Photography

All You Need to Know About Modern Photography

Photography started as early as the 4th century B.C., when the very first image was formed on a wall, using a pinhole camera in a dark room. It wasn't until 1820, that modern photography was born. In 1839, the word photography, derived from Greek words 'fos' for 'light' and

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Taking Great Photos - Photos With Impact

Taking Great Photos - Photos With Impact

Do your photos seem flat? In this modern day of photography, we have more tools available to use, than ever before. But are we putting them to good use? "A picture is worth a thousand words" is a mantra repeated again and again. Do your photos speak plainly? Learn today about changing that