Pets & Animal: Dog Strollers Provide Comfort to Dogs With Anxiety Issues

Dog Strollers Provide Comfort to Dogs With Anxiety Issues

Some dogs are friendly and approachable in any situation, but other breeds and personality types do not do as well in large crowds or public spaces. While it may seem strange, dog strollers can actually help reduce your dog's anxiety and ease him into new situations.

Pets & Animal: Detect a Hookworm Infestation in Your Dog

Detect a Hookworm Infestation in Your Dog

One of the most common irritants a dog owner is going to have to deal with outside of fleas is that of the hookworm. Hookworms are an extremely common dog parasite. Their method of infection (as with most parasites) is rather unique, the symptoms that they give are obvious and the prevention of hook

Pets & Animal: Products for Dog Mange

Products for Dog Mange

Two types of mange can affect your image by Michal Tudek from Fotolia.comProducts for dog mange help eradicate the insects that burrow under a dog’s skin, according to the Dog Health Guide. The microscopic mites that cause mange lead to two types of the conditions:...

Pets & Animal: When Your Hunting Dog Has Diabetes

When Your Hunting Dog Has Diabetes

We recently had our eleven-year-old dog Sadie diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. While talking to my veterinarian about the chances of a few more years together she explained the process of getting the disease under control and then told me once that is done we have a pretty good chance.

Pets & Animal: Medications Known To Cause Sudden Onset Deafness In Dogs!

Medications Known To Cause Sudden Onset Deafness In Dogs!

It is not unusual for a dog owner to find their dog has suddenly and mysteriously gone deaf! What they haven't been told by their veterinarian is, the medication most frequently prescribed for ear infections is the source!

Pets & Animal: Understanding Hair Loss in Dogs

Understanding Hair Loss in Dogs

While you might be worried about your hair thinning or getting a little bald spot on top, you seldom think that this is a problem that your dog needs to worry about. The truth of the matter is that dogs do suffer from alopecia, or hair loss, and when it occurs, there can be a number of causes that y

Pets & Animal: Taking Hiking Trips With Your Dog

Taking Hiking Trips With Your Dog

Nothing beats taking a hike in the lap of nature. Getting away from the hustle bustle of daily life and enjoying life in its natural state- we all should opt for hiking once in a while. Of course, regular hikes help us remain fit as well.

Pets & Animal: Dogs Have It Made - Dog Carriers and Other Examples

Dogs Have It Made - Dog Carriers and Other Examples

Dogs and other pets have a pretty uncomplicated life thanks to their generous owners. They get carried in dog carriers and have all their needs provided for -- find out why dogs have it made, whether their owners are famous or are just regular people.

Pets & Animal: Why it is Important to Play With Your Puppy

Why it is Important to Play With Your Puppy

If you learn your puppy to play from a young age, they will grow into dogs that will see people as a source of delight and enjoyment. This article will tell you why it is so important for you as an owner to play with your puppy. Puppies that learn to play games with humans will become dogs that will

Pets & Animal: The Love, Training, and Care of Your Yorkshire Terrier

The Love, Training, and Care of Your Yorkshire Terrier

This article will give you the low down on the care, feeding, grooming, and some history of your Yorkshire Terrier! The Yorkshire Terrier, or Yorkie as is commonly called, is by far the dog of choice for the glitzy personality.

Pets & Animal: The Fundamentals of Dog Breeding

The Fundamentals of Dog Breeding

The breeding of dogs is an interesting challenge and a skill and gamble as well.The trial to the breeder is to see if he can foretell the resultant product of the breeding.What is hoped for is a perfectly balanced dog which meets all the breed requirements with a good nature and character with all t

Pets & Animal: Types of Ear Crops

Types of Ear Crops

Ear cropping is a surgery performed on a dog to cut away a part of the ear leather, making it possible for the cartilage to stand upright on the head. There are several breeds of dogs that have traditionally employed ear cropping. These breeds are schnauzer, boxer, Doberman, Great Dane, miniature pi

Pets & Animal: How to Teach Your Dog to Do "Peek a Boo"

How to Teach Your Dog to Do "Peek a Boo"

One of the joys of dog ownership is teaching your pet new tricks. Not only does this help create interaction and bonding between the dog and his owner, but it also keeps the dog entertained and helps develop his intellectual capacities. One of the most entertaining tricks to teach your dog is "

Pets & Animal: Glucosamine for Canine Arthritis

Glucosamine for Canine Arthritis

Canine arthritis is a painful condition of the joints. Arthritis may affect dogs due to old age or after an injury. Treatment options for arthritis include medication, massage or dietary supplements such as glucosamine.

Pets & Animal: Dangerous Dogs Act

Dangerous Dogs Act

Does the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 look at the wrong end of the lead? The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 is a piece of legislation in the United Kingdom they came into being in response to a flurry of press coverage surrounding a number of dog attacks.

Pets & Animal: Training Dogs Not To Bite

Training Dogs Not To Bite

Owners can be very careless about their dog's possible threat to bite strangers, or even family members. Just because the dog has not bitten anyone, they think it never will. But dogs get stronger willed, more confident and, like humans, can get short tempered as they get older. An unusual situ

Pets & Animal: Training Your Goldendoodle

Training Your Goldendoodle

I know many of you won't want to hear this, but you're responsible for making the commitment to train your Goldendoodle to behave properly at home, when guests are visiting, and away from home. Unless taught, your puppy doesn't know right from wrong.