HIV Progression and Assessment of the Optimal Time to Initiate ART
When is the best time to start HAART; before the CD4 count falls to lower than 350 cells/microL?
Stroke Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
How has the presentation of post-PCI stroke changed in recent years?
Cerebral Aneurysm Presenting With Aseptic Meningitis
A 61-year-old woman presented with a two-week history of increasing headache. What was the cause?
The eAutopsy: An Effective Virtual Tool
Can the use of an online autopsy training tool be as effective as attending postmortem examinations?
Postoperative Patient Satisfaction With Anaesthesia Care
How important is a postoperative anesthetic visit to patient satisfaction of anesthesia care?
Uninsured Under TennCare
Does lack of health insurance present a serious barrier to healthcare access?
Do Views of African Americans Affect Decision Making?
Using total knee replacement as a test case, this study examined whether physicians were racially biased in their decision-making.
Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections
Necrotizing infections (NIs) are uncommon and difficult to diagnose, and they cause progressive morbidity until the infectious process is diagnosed and treated medically and surgically.
Nurse Practitioners vs MD Providers in Diabetes Care
How does quideline driven care from a nurse practitioner in a free diabetic clinic match up with non-guideline driven care given by medical doctors?
Multidimensional Role of Calcium in Atrial Fibrillation
Learn more about important and relatively underappreciated multidimensional roles of cellular calcium in atrial fibrillation.
Diabetes Care Quality and Patient Panel Characteristics
Might insurance disparities among patients explain differences in performance quality between clinics? This study examined variability in delivery of diabetes care and its correlation with performance.
Interpretation of Laboratory Testing for Pulmonary Sarcoidosis
Laboratory tests for pulmonary sarcoidosis lack sensitivity and specificity. Can use of likelihood ratios improve results?
HIV Transmission Risk Behavior Among Men and Women Living With
Several studies have shown that a majority of persons who know they are HIV infected reduce or at least temporarily refrain from activities that would create risk to others.
Teenage Women's Use of Contraceptives in Two Populations
How have adolescent patterns of contraceptive use varied from population to population over the last 30 years?
Gender and Survival in Patients With Heart Failure
Women may have improved survival in heart failure when compared to men, but not in all cases. . .
Statin Therapy and Adverse Limb Outcomes in PAD
Will more statin use in patients with PAD create fewer amputees?
First Trimester Myomectomy in a Woman With Uterine Leiomyoma
Performing a myomectomy during the first trimester of pregnancy is extremely rare due to the risk of pregnancy loss and hemorrhage--but this case demonstrates that it can have a successful outcome.
Diagnostic Usefulness of Monoclonal Antibody P504S
In the current prostate-specific antigen screening era, surgical pathologists are faced with increasing numbers of prostate needle biopsy specimens with exceedingly small foci of prostate cancer.
Pica in Iron Deficiency: A Case Series
Pica, an unusual condition where patients develop cravings for non-nutritive substances, often exists concurrently with iron deficiency anemia, but the association is commonly missed.