Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Bush Fail

Bush Fail

A parody of the Fairey poster depicting President Bush and the word 'fail.'

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: A Wry Look at The Art of Lying

A Wry Look at The Art of Lying

A survey of a wicked, irreverent, serious, harmful, cruel and enjoyable (for some) side of human civilization. Including quotes on lies and lying (good, bad and indifferent) from famous people down the ages who should know better.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Overboard


Slacker pirates are the silly subjects of the Overboard comic strip by Chip Dunham.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Wow Inside Interview - Class Talent Review: The Perspective Of A Game Designer

Wow Inside Interview - Class Talent Review: The Perspective Of A Game Designer

With the release of each patch, many classes see improvements to their talent trees, sometimes even including the addition of completely new abilities. Recently, the World of Warcraft Insider has spent some time with Tom "Kalgan" Chilton, Lead Game Designer at Blizzard, to talk about the o

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Sorry Tale of My Mustache

Sorry Tale of My Mustache

In India, a mustache is a sign of masculinity and virility. When Mahatma Gandhi took over the leadership of the freedom movement he advocated people to grow beards mainly to hurt the import of British blades and razors. Since Independence, mustaches of all kinds have regained their popularity and pa

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Hetemeel Customizable Dynamic Images

Hetemeel Customizable Dynamic Images

Alter photographs of Albert Einstein, Uncle Sam, and Harry Potter's Professor Dumbledore with funny text. Rewrite the dictionary, too.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Humor Alert

Humor Alert

Joke - Liberal rally.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Obama Reaching Out

Obama Reaching Out

A political cartoon about President Obama's attempt to reach compromise with Republicans.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Thank a Soldier

Thank a Soldier

A sign that says 'If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you're reading this in English, than a soldier.'

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Tortoise McCain

The Tortoise McCain

An editorial cartoon about how John McCain will win the presidential election.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Ways to Generate Traffic To Your Blog

Ways to Generate Traffic To Your Blog

Writing a blog can appear a challenge, in particular for those who do not trust their communication skills. If you understand a few simple tips, though, it's easy to quickly increase the elements of your ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Paris Hilton's Campaign Ad

Paris Hilton's Campaign Ad

View a picture from Paris Hilton's campaign ad spoof responding to John McCain's celebrity attack ad.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: 5 Countries Where Marijuana is Legal (Almost!)

5 Countries Where Marijuana is Legal (Almost!)

Marijuana users have always sought legal loopholes in countries where it is illegal to own or smoke it. Many people choose to buy marijuana seeds (which is legal in many places), then grow and smoke t

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: They'll Never Quit

They'll Never Quit

A political cartoon about Bill and Hillary Clinton resorting to anything to stay in the presidential race.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Funny Gags To Rule New World In Varieties

The Funny Gags To Rule New World In Varieties

Now is the time or never!! When you are thinking about something funny then clowns will be the best options for it. In fact it would be appropriate to take the examples of all the balloons and animal’s magic is not important or funnier in the respect of these.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Hillary's Attack Dog

Hillary's Attack Dog

An editorial cartoon depicting Bill Clinton as Hillary Clinton's attack dog.