Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Clinton Tag Team

Clinton Tag Team

An editorial cartoon about Hillary and Bill Clinton's tag-team presidential campaign.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Hillary Negotiates

Hillary Negotiates

A political cartoon about Hillary Clinton convincing Obama to make her vice president.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: That One Won

That One Won

A political cartoon about John McCain calling Barack Obama 'That One' during the presidential debate.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The eagle of Namaqualand

The eagle of Namaqualand

They called Grandfather the eagle of Namaqualand and he was known as something of a free-spirited, roaming Ducktail in the region.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Are all good anniversary jokes adult jokes?

Are all good anniversary jokes adult jokes?

Anniversary jokes often evolve to adult jokes as the occasion gets going. There are many jokes that are written for anniversary parties as well as those that make the anniversary couple the target of

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Whack-A-Mole


A political cartoon depicting Israel playing Whack-A-Mole.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Palin's Pregnant Daughter

Palin's Pregnant Daughter

A political cartoon about Sarah Palin's pregnant daughter and Palin's stance on abstinence-only education.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: I'm a Celebrity

I'm a Celebrity

A political cartoon featuring Sarah Palin saying I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Four More Years

Four More Years

An animated gif showing that McCain is four more years of Bush.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Funny April Fools' Day Hoaxes

Funny April Fools' Day Hoaxes

These are my picks for some of the funniest April Fools' Day hoaxes.They also show how gullible people can be.