Health & Medical: Buying a Hearing Aid: How To Improve Your Comfort

Buying a Hearing Aid: How To Improve Your Comfort

One of the most important aspects of buying a hearing aid is finding one that is comfortable. If you get one that hurts to wear, chances are you're not going to. Here is some information on each type of device that will make is easier for you to decide.

Health & Medical: Hearing Aids & Ear Infections

Hearing Aids & Ear Infections

People who wear hearing aids may experience infections in the auditory canal because of moist conditions. The medical diagnosis is otitis externa. Other common terms are swimmer's ear, jungle ear or ear fungus.

Health & Medical: Herbal Remedies For Tinnitus - Find Your Cure Here!

Herbal Remedies For Tinnitus - Find Your Cure Here!

This article provides information on herbal remedies for tinnitus. Please always discuss with your doctor or health care provider before trying any of the herbal remedies for tinnitus listed below.

Health & Medical: Signs and Symptoms of Ear Infections

Signs and Symptoms of Ear Infections

Ear infections, also known as otitis media, are an inflammation of the middle ear. The inflammation often begins as a result of the same infection that causes colds, sore throats and respiratory infections. The infection may be either bacterial or viral.

Health & Medical: Remedy for Swimmer's Ears

Remedy for Swimmer's Ears

When the protective lining of the ear becomes damaged, typically through exposure to excessive moisture or injury, the defenses of the ear are compromised, increasing the risk of an infection. This is called swimmer's ear, which is also known as acute external otitis or otitis extrena. Swimmer's ear

Health & Medical: Stop Tinnitus - How to Get Rid of Ringing in Your Ears Naturally and Quickly

Stop Tinnitus - How to Get Rid of Ringing in Your Ears Naturally and Quickly

Have you ever been successful in stopping tinnitus completely? If your answer is no then you must read what I am about to share here. Tinnitus is diagnosed when a sufferer complains of hearing noise when no external source of sound is present. This noise of tinnitus varies from individual to individ

Health & Medical: Hearing Loss in Children - What Every Parent Should Know!

Hearing Loss in Children - What Every Parent Should Know!

Some children can be born deaf. This is very alarming on the part of parents because hearing problems cannot be easily detected. Unless, your babies are screened right after they were born at the hospital then, you'll be able to determine whether he/she has hearing problems or not.

Health & Medical: Ears Ringing Cure - The Big Reason Why the Traditional Treatments Fail

Ears Ringing Cure - The Big Reason Why the Traditional Treatments Fail

If you suffer from tinnitus, or know somebody who does, you probably already know two things: there are several existing treatments, and they all seem to fail. If you suffer from tinnitus, chances are you have tried every single treatment imaginable, from medication to psychiatric treatment to even

Health & Medical: What Really Works When It Comes To Ringing in Ears Treatment

What Really Works When It Comes To Ringing in Ears Treatment

Are you getting desperate? Have you heard that ringing in the ears is something that can't be treated? Well I'm here to tell you that it is treatable and it is not something you have to live with for the rest of your life.

Health & Medical: What to Do When Having Ear Pressure That Feels Like Water in Them?

What to Do When Having Ear Pressure That Feels Like Water in Them?

If you have ear pressure or the feeling that there's fluid inside your ear, one of two things is most likely going on: You have an ear infection or you have water in your ear. Either of these situations can be potentially harmful, so you should consult your doctor if the problem does not clear up on

Health & Medical: Reasons And Helpful Tips For Tinnitus Symptom

Reasons And Helpful Tips For Tinnitus Symptom

A lot of us have experienced 'ringing in the ears'. It's annoying, but transitory. However, for people when it doesn't go away, this condition is called tinnitus, and a lot of people have it. Tinnitus is not a disease itself, but rather a symptom, and it can be brought on by many

Health & Medical: How Do Our Ears Work?

How Do Our Ears Work?

Outer EarEars serve three main purposes--hearing, sinus release and balance. Ears consist of three sections; outer, middle and inner. The outer ear includes the pinna or auricle, the ear canal and the ear drum. All of these are important for hearing. The pinna is a cartilage covered...

Health & Medical: Inner Ear Problems: How To Deal With Them

Inner Ear Problems: How To Deal With Them

If you are the type of person who likes to listen to super loud music all day long, then you are most likely to suffer from inner ear problems sooner or later. People who are regularly exposed to loud sounds and noisy surroundings are in danger of putting their sense of hearing in jeopardy.