Health & Medical Hearing

Hearing Loss in Children - What Every Parent Should Know!

Some children can be born deaf.
This is very alarming on the part of parents because hearing problems cannot be easily detected.
Unless, your babies are screened right after they were born at the hospital then, you'll be able to determine whether he/she has hearing problems or not.
•Hearing loss in children is due to injured eardrums.
The reason why eardrums get injured is cleaning in its interior.
Most children are taught to clear their eardrums on their own using cotton buds.
Since children get to clean their ears without mommy's help, they tend to clear it improperly.
This is quite dangerous.
When the ear is damaged due to 'too much' cleaning - it damages the nerves.
•Some children are born with a missing or damaged cochlea or other ear parts.
These causes hearing problems on their parts if they are born with injured ear.
•Others get hearing loss during pregnancy.
When they're still in their mothers womb.
Their parent may have encountered a problem which caused hearing problems to the child.
There are organisms which may have crossed the placenta that interferes with the fetus development.
•There are cases which hearing losses in children are hereditary.
The child's parent/parents is/are deaf or there's a history of deaf in your family.
•Several cases are due to ototoxic medicines or what they call drugs that cause hearing problems if taken by too much dosage.
•There are cotton buds which are not fit for cleaning children's ear.
There are even cleaning buds which are low-grade or cheaply produced.
Bad cotton buds or cleaning buds can lead to damaged eardrums.
•Lot of noise and loud music.
Do you know why parents keeps their children away from fireworks during New Year's Eve or why they hinder their kids from attending loud concerts and hearing loud playing bands - because children's ears are so fragile that it could break at instant if not properly taken cared of.
However, there are signs which parents should watch-out such as if the child naturally speak very loud or very soft voice or there are times when she/he doesn't react to loud noises.
Furthermore, parents should watch out suppose their child doesn't react when you call his/her name.
Check out their ears if it appears malformed or too small.
As well as if they turn the same direction of ear, over and over again.
When you've found these signs in your child, bring him to a pediatrician immediately.
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