Health & Medical: Art & Migraine Headaches

Art & Migraine Headaches

Intense human emotions are abundant in a variety of art works, including the agony and paralyzing depression experienced by migraine sufferers. Migraines have provided inspiration and artistic outlet for paintings by Vincent Van Gogh and Claude Monet, literary works by Virginia Woolf and Lewis Carr

Health & Medical: Do You Know How To Avoid Severe Muscle Spasms?

Do You Know How To Avoid Severe Muscle Spasms?

There are two ways to do body building: the right and the wrong way. The wrong way is comparing yourself to other people's results and trying to get there as quick as you can. The right way is working out calmly, in your own pace while striving for the long run.

Health & Medical: Hormone Therapy for Migraine Headaches

Hormone Therapy for Migraine Headaches

About 29.5 million Americans suffer from the debilitating pain of a migraine. Of this total, three out of four sufferers are women. There are several different reasons why women are more prone to migraine headaches as well as several different treatment options available. Though the exact cause of m

Health & Medical: Side Effects of a Cervical Epidural

Side Effects of a Cervical Epidural

Cervical epidurals are used to treat the pain that can come with labor or birth. A numbing medication is injected into the epidural space and allows the mother to have a near-painless labor and delivery.

Health & Medical: Back Pain Treatment - What Is the Best Method to Get Relief?

Back Pain Treatment - What Is the Best Method to Get Relief?

Back pain treatment generally involves taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, but these synthetic pills, if taken for long, can induce harmful side-effects. Alternative treatments methods are also available, like acupuncture, massage, yoga or even medication.

Health & Medical: Electronic Acupuncture to Fight Headaches Naturally

Electronic Acupuncture to Fight Headaches Naturally

If you experience headaches or even migraines, you know they can interfere with your quality of life. You can take over the counter remedies or even prescription painkillers for the headaches but you may also have to deal with their side effects. However, with a safe alternative treatment such as el

Health & Medical: Tension Headaches

Tension Headaches

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of tension headaches, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Uncovering Cause of Lower Back Pain

Uncovering Cause of Lower Back Pain

Determining the true cause of lower back pain would not be possible without the patient's cooperation. The patient is assessed thoroughly in order to avoid a misdiagnosis due to its popular occurrence.

Health & Medical: Chiropractic Treatment - Providing Effective, Drug Free Relief For Chronic Pain

Chiropractic Treatment - Providing Effective, Drug Free Relief For Chronic Pain

Sufferers from chronic pain may think they must resort to prescription medications to make life bearable. While drugs do offer pain relief, they serve only to counteract the symptom while ignoring the real problem. Fortunately, chiropractic treatment offers drug-free relief for many conditions while

Health & Medical: How to Treat Pediatric Migraines

How to Treat Pediatric Migraines

If a child complains about a throbbing headache on both sides or one side of the head, it's possible that he suffers from migraines. Other symptoms that might accompany the headache pain include sound and light sensitivity and nausea. According to an article in the peer-reviewed American Academy of

Health & Medical: Sciatica Nerve Pain - The Inside Secrets of How You Too Can Stop That Pain!

Sciatica Nerve Pain - The Inside Secrets of How You Too Can Stop That Pain!

This article is about sciatica nerve pain. Sciatica nerve pain occurs when the largest nerve in the human body, the sciatic nerve, becomes irritated, compressed or pinched. Simple everyday stuff like taking a stroll to the movies or taking a walk in the park, or even going to the grocery store can b

Health & Medical: Tips For Your Middle Back Pain Relief

Tips For Your Middle Back Pain Relief

Millions of people suffer with some form of pains in their spinal area during their lives. These maladies can range from the upper areas to the lowers areas. Arthritis, injuries, muscle and nerve damage are some of the causes of these pains. Follow these tips for the middle back pain relief you may

Health & Medical: Can Chiropractic Care Be Used For Pain Management?

Can Chiropractic Care Be Used For Pain Management?

You have consistent pain that doesn't want to go away. You've tried to rest and be smart with your activities each day, but the pain is still there. What can you do? You don't want to live on medication for the rest of your life. Chiropractic treatment just might have an answer for yo

Health & Medical: Chiropractors Aligning Backs For Good Health and Posture

Chiropractors Aligning Backs For Good Health and Posture

Chiropractors are health practitioners who use alternative ways in diagnosing and treating patients with health problems related to the musculoskeletal system. They treat the effects of spinal problems to the nervous system by manipulation of the spine and lower extremities.

Health & Medical: Ulnar Neuropathy

Ulnar Neuropathy

The ulnar nerve is in a very exposed position at the elbow. It is one of the peripheral nerves most often sustaining chronic irritation and requiring surgery.

Health & Medical: Relieve Back Pain Forever With These 3 Core Exercises

Relieve Back Pain Forever With These 3 Core Exercises

Back pain is an ailment which effects about 80% of the American population. Due to sedentary lifestyles, and jobs that require sitting for the majority of the day are two of the main culprits. Back pain occurs in many forms including, lower back, upper back, and sciatica.

Health & Medical: Low Back Pain Symptoms - Dull Aches to Shooting Pain and Beyond

Low Back Pain Symptoms - Dull Aches to Shooting Pain and Beyond

Low back pain symptoms are different for every person, but generally include at least a few of the same issues. Depending on the type of pain you are experiencing, the doctor will be better able to diagnose your condition and get you the treatment that you need.

Health & Medical: Pain In The Neck, I Have A Lower Opinion Of You

Pain In The Neck, I Have A Lower Opinion Of You

According to a Time Magazines article on March 7, 2011 acute and chronic pain affects more than 76 million Americans on a regular basis. This means that you or someone you know is probably suffering from acute or chronic pain and they are doing so needlessly. What a shame!

Health & Medical: Back Back Pain - Different Treatment Options

Back Back Pain - Different Treatment Options

As you get older, it is essential that you do everything you can to maintain good overall health.This means exercising, eating good food, and keeping yourself mentally healthy are all important parts of a healthy body.One specific problem that often affects countless amounts of people every year is

Health & Medical: How to Get Rid of Pressure Headaches

How to Get Rid of Pressure Headaches

Pressure headaches can be very painful and difficult to handle. They can be caused by sinus problems such as congestion or changes in the weather, which affect the barometric pressure in the atmosphere. One theory is that the changes in pressure cause oxygen levels to change, which cause headaches i