Health & Medical: How to Regain Eyesight After Meningitis

How to Regain Eyesight After Meningitis

Meningitis is a disease that affects the neurological functioning of the brain. As such, it can interfere with motor skills, pain and pleasure receptors, eye function, speech and emotional and judgmental capacities. Before being discharged and after being discharged from the hospital, your doctor w

Health & Medical: The Brains of Infants With Alzheimer Gene

The Brains of Infants With Alzheimer Gene

Researchers hope that MRI differences in infants who carry the APOE ε4 allele could aid in identifying targets for the prevention or treatment of Alzheimer disease.

Health & Medical: Udderly Clean: No 'Mad Cow' in U.S., Feds Claim

Udderly Clean: No 'Mad Cow' in U.S., Feds Claim

In spite of reassurances from government scientists, consumer groups say they're not satisfied that America's food supply is sufficiently protected from mad cow disease.

Health & Medical: Vitamin E May Up Alzheimer's Survival

Vitamin E May Up Alzheimer's Survival

Vitamin E may help patients with Alzheimer's live longer, and the benefit may be even greater for those who take the supplements along with an anti-dementia drug, a new study shows.

Health & Medical: Multiple Sclerosis Life Expectancy

Multiple Sclerosis Life Expectancy

Multiple sclerosis life expectancy is something that with the passage of time is increasing with the advancement of medical science, new MS medications and a general better understanding of the disease. In general multiple sclerosis life expectancy is not just as long as for someone with no ailments

Health & Medical: Dementia-Symptoms


Symptoms of dementia vary depending on the cause and the area of the brain that is affected. Memory loss is usually the earliest and most noticeable symptom.

Health & Medical: Alzheimer Biomarkers in Clinical Practice

Alzheimer Biomarkers in Clinical Practice

At the American Academy of Neurology 2013 Annual Meeting, experts debated the clinical role of biomarkers in the diagnosis of Alzheimer disease. Should you order these costly tests?

Health & Medical: New Diagnostic Criteria for Alzheimer's Disease

New Diagnostic Criteria for Alzheimer's Disease

The authors summarize new criteria for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment which were recently published in the journal Alzheimer's and Dementia.

Health & Medical: The Neuropsychiatry of Tinnitus: Causes and Treatments

The Neuropsychiatry of Tinnitus: Causes and Treatments

It's often assumed that tinnitus is a disorder of the auditory system, but this review points out the correlation between tinnitus and many neuropsychiatric disorders. How might this impact treatment?

Health & Medical: ADHD in Teens

ADHD in Teens

ADHD is the most common behavior disorder in childhood. WebMD explains ADHD in teens, including its symptoms and treatment and offers advice on how parents can help adolescents learn to manage their ADHD symptoms.