Law & Legal & Attorney: Set of Rules for Employees to Abide by for Assisted Living

Set of Rules for Employees to Abide by for Assisted Living

Senior citizens sometimes need assistance to complete daily tasks.elderly lady image by pixelcarpenter from Fotolia.comWorking in an assisted living facility is not an easy task. Employees help senior citizens who can no longer take care of themselves, often assisting them to have a...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Missouri Mental Evaluation Laws

Missouri Mental Evaluation Laws

Unlike many other states, Missouri law allows for civil involuntary detention. Any adult can request that a person be detained by peace officers to receive a 96 hour mental health evaluation. The adult completes the application, submits the affidavit and presents a list of witnesses to the probate c

Law & Legal & Attorney: New York State Auto Insurance Laws

New York State Auto Insurance Laws

New York state has car insurance requirements.yellow car, a honda japanese sport car model image by alma_sacra from Fotolia.comSeveral different types of auto insurance exist, all of which provide financial compensation for different issues resulting from an auto accident---such as injury...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Auto Lift Laws

Auto Lift Laws

Vehicle owners deciding to raise their vehicle height by adding a lift kit must ensure that they follow all state laws and meet all regulations before adding a lift to their automobile.

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are Smoking Bans?

What Are Smoking Bans?

Smoking bans are laws that prohibit where people can or cannot legally smoke. These laws have been passed in different regions throughout the world in order to improve public health. In the United States, federal law does not generally dictate smoking bans. It is up to local jurisdictions to decide

Law & Legal & Attorney: Rhode Island Phone Recording Laws

Rhode Island Phone Recording Laws

phone music player image by Aleksandr Ugorenkov from Fotolia.comFederal law permits the recording of phone calls if at least one party agrees to the recording. However, under no circumstances--and in no state--is a person permitted to record a conversation that he is not a party to or...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to become Tax attorney

How to become Tax attorney

A tax attorney is the attorney that helps taxpayers while they are in trouble with make them through an audit, legal claim on property, etc., reduce their fines, and he can also give positive advices

Law & Legal & Attorney: New York State Burial Laws

New York State Burial Laws

cemetary 3 image by sonya etchison from Fotolia.comDeath can be a scary business, especially when one considers how expensive funerals can be. Today, family and friends that are burying a loved one need to think about caskets, body prepping, funeral costs and burial grounds. Each state...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Focus on This ONE Thing to Improve Your Practice

Focus on This ONE Thing to Improve Your Practice

The immediate deadline. The call that needs to be made or returned before lunch. The pre-bills that have to be checked this afternoon. The case law that needs to be scoured so the motion can ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Marijuana interest groups put pressure on Congress!

Marijuana interest groups put pressure on Congress!

The legality of medical marijuana is often disputed, as federal and state laws often contradict each other. Whilst medical marijuana is legal in some 18 states, banks can still be prosecuted for openi

Law & Legal & Attorney: Los Angeles Criminal Records

Los Angeles Criminal Records

Los Angeles, along with other cities in America is an exciting and lively city. Spurred by the economic slump, the city is not without its fair share of crimes that are committed on a daily ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Reasons To Hire A Family Lawyer

Reasons To Hire A Family Lawyer

A legal battle among individuals, firms, and other situations with other people can be very messy and complicated all in all. But think of those who are dealing with the same problem but with their ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Compulsory Education Laws in Florida

Compulsory Education Laws in Florida

Florida was one of the last states to adopt compulsory education laws.Florida state contour with Capital City against blurred USA flag image by Stasys Eidiejus from Fotolia.comIn 1915 Florida became one of the last states to implement compulsory education laws. In Florida, children must...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Types of Cases Heard in Federal Court

Types of Cases Heard in Federal Court

Unlike state courts, the federal court system does not have a broad jurisdiction. Generally, federal courts only hear specific types of cases as outlined in the Constitution or specified by Congress. Federal courts usually hear cases in which the United States government is the party, cases involvin

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to File Complaints at Consumer Court

How to File Complaints at Consumer Court

Nowadays, most of the educated consumers especially one who resides in urban areas knows about court and its purpose. Even then, there are comparatively less amount of people who approach the court for settling their ...