Lead-Based Paints: Where and Why Are They Still Sold?
While lead-based paints have long been banned in the U.S., developing countries, especially in South America and Asia, have been slow to enact regulations.
While lead-based paints have long been banned in the U.S., developing countries, especially in South America and Asia, have been slow to enact regulations.
Industrial strength organic solvents can be utilized in a variety of settings, and are powerful enough to tackle industrial sized messes. Environmentally friendly and non toxic solvents and organic degreasers are beginning to be used often by corporations and even small businesses in dozens of indus
Neither McCain nor Obama oppose nuclear power, their differences of opinion aren't on the background facts of nuclear power, but on impact on the environment. McCain focuses on an aggressive expansion of nuclear power plants, while Obama focuses nuclear power playing a only a part of the overal
Industrial processes require specific cleaners to remove items such as grease and oil from parts, machinery, or for general cleanup. Many concerns have come about regarding the products used for cleaning as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues to tighten associated restrictions. Solve
Drilling for fossil fuels will never solve our energy demands permanently, because there is not a permanent supply of fuel. We are running on the earth's battery that took million's of years to charge. Natural gas companies will campaign on TV to tell you that it is safe and the answer to
Given the higher cost of eco-friendly products, it's not easy to be green when economic times get tough.This article shows eco-conscious consumers how they can save money while shopping for earth-friendly goods and provides tips for winning great green prizes, too.
We all know that Being Green is good for the environment, but is it good for the wallet? In Sweden, they are taking an innovative approach to reducing emissions and traffic congestion.
Most of my articles focus on green lighting and electricity. (I manufacture lighting fixtures.) However, water use and resourcefulness is an important factor in green lighting. Our "Water Efficiency" series of articles helps you get the big picture and shows you whether your own actions at
Climate change has been in the news recently with its various impact on human being such as tsunami, droughts, floods and increasing earth temperature. Human lifestyle is considered as one of the trigger. Lifestyle also can be adapted to live on eco-friendly way in order to save the climate change.
The world's energy commodities continue to dwindle and the climate crisis is continuing to worsen. What can we do to become more energy self-sufficient and help save our planet at the same time?
One of the most discussed topics today is global warming and its negative effects on the environment. It is the top priority environmental issue for many countries. The process of global warming is speeding up due to the depletion of the ozone layer. It is very important for us to understand what th
Where did the wildlife go? That's a scary question, but one that scientists and observers are posing in the wake of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The solution deployed to clean up the 210 million gallons of Louisiana crude spilled was the oil dispersant Corexit.
We have a tendency to throw plastic bottles into trash...simply because we have not had to pay a bottle deposit. Landfill cannot afford anymore waste that won't breakdown or burn.
The natural world is a place of untold beauty and fascinating wonder, one that all of us at some level are intimately connected to. Yet it is not without its dangers as well, a fact that that in any ways enhances its charm. Mother Nature is ultimately unpredictable and fiercely uncompromising, and t
In case you haven't noticed, retailers, even giants, are "going green".It was bound tohappen and it is a welcome change.Of course the Wal-marts, Targets and Sam's Clubs ofthe world, most likely, will never go fully earth-friendly, and merely offer sections intheir stores rather t
If you are a homeowner or a business owner and you are trying to make the decision to use green fuel products in your home or business, you might be wondering what the benefits will be for what it will cost you. The first obvious benefit to using green energy products is the savings on your fuel bil
The Eastern Shore is the Virginia portion of the Delmarva Peninsula which separates the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay. This area of land primarily consists of rural farmland which produces a multitude of agriculture products. Being located on the coast, the Eastern Shore is also a major prod
Bio-energy - Biomass is derived from plant material and animal residues/wastes. It can be used to generate electricity and/or heat, and to produce transport fuel. This energy is called bio-energy.
We sure hear a lot about reducing energy consumption, going green and cutting costs at the city level. Often, the Mayor, City Council People and City Planners promise us they will reduce their carbon footprints, by some far out date in the future. However, many of these goals are long-term goals and
No one thinks much about Daylight Saving Time except that we get an extra hour (or lose an extra hour), of sleep on Sunday. Most of us take it for granted. However, here are some interesting facts on the tradition you may not have known.