Technology: How to Get Action Replay for Game Boy Games Online

How to Get Action Replay for Game Boy Games Online

Action Replay for Game Boy and Game Boy Advance adds an extra level of game play for video gamers. With Action Replay codes, you can often gain infinite lives, gain access to all levels and access items that are normally locked in the early levels of game play. Action Replay codes for Game Boy are a

Technology: What Do Fake Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards Look Like?

What Do Fake Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards Look Like?

As is the case with any collectible, there are many fake Yu-Gi-Oh cards out there that aren't worth their real value and can't be used in duels. To identify what fake cards look like, you must know exactly what real cards look like. Fake cards usually leave out important designs on the cards, especi

Technology: How to Create Play Dough in a Bag

How to Create Play Dough in a Bag

Homemade play dough is simple and inexpensive to make, providing you with a substance young children can use in the classroom or at home to strengthen fine motor skills and encourage imaginative play. Although the adult in charge normally makes the play dough substance, children can take part in the

Technology: How to Build a Toy Car Using a Motor

How to Build a Toy Car Using a Motor

Toy cars are fun to build and can be made out of everyday objects in a short time. Making that car move, on the other hand, is actually more fun. If you happen to have a small electric motor, some batteries or a solar cell sitting around, you have everything you need to make a motorized toy car. It'

Technology: How to Print PSP Covers

How to Print PSP Covers

Personalization is a cornerstone of many electronics, from the screen wallpaper to the outer case. Being able to change these things on a whim is just as important for some people. If you wish to decorate the outside of your Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP), there is an option available for using pri

Technology: WoW Hunter Leveling Guide - Few Tips How to Level a Hunter Fast

WoW Hunter Leveling Guide - Few Tips How to Level a Hunter Fast

In World of Warcraft Hunter has become one of the most exciting classes to play. It is considered to be the best range DPS (damage dealer) of all other classes if played properly. Using variety of pets, playing a Hunter is even more fun.

Technology: How Does an Xbox 360 Work?

How Does an Xbox 360 Work?

Graphics, Memory and PowerThe inside of your Xbox 360 is much like the inside of your computer--they both contain storage, a CPU and a power supply. The Xbox's data storage is handled by random access memory (RAM), a hard disk drive and memory cards. Data is stored indefinitely on the...

Technology: 3 Red Lights - Xbox Error Removed Once and For All

3 Red Lights - Xbox Error Removed Once and For All

The Xbox 360 is an awesome gaming console, you should know that much. In fact, the FAQs video gaming community voted the Xbox 360 the best video game console of the year 2008. But none of that matters if you can't use it, right?

Technology: List of Poker Sites

List of Poker Sites

You do not have to hop on a plane to Las Vegas to find a good game of poker--it also is a popular Internet game. From stud to draw to Texas hold 'em, poker has many varieties you can enjoy online. Internet poker websites offer players the choice of betting with either virtual or real...

Technology: Games on State Capitals & Abbreviations

Games on State Capitals & Abbreviations

Learn about American state capitals and abbreviations.america map image by Vladislav Gajic from Fotolia.comFifty percent of American college-aged students can't find New York State on a map. In fact, over half don't own a map, according to a 2006 National Geographic Foundation survey....

Technology: Buy FIFA 10 - The Coolest New XBOX 360 Game

Buy FIFA 10 - The Coolest New XBOX 360 Game

The FIFA 10 experience is truly at new level, it outshines any previous games quite easily including the NHL 09 or NBA Live 10. The miraculous effort of creative team has made it better than any impressive effort not for its graphics but the pitiless gaming experience. Most gaming magazines and onli

Technology: Why Do People Play Poker Online?

Why Do People Play Poker Online?

The advent of the internet brought forth many new and exciting things. One of those things is online poker. Currently, this industry is one of the most profitable online ventures around. Many individuals from around the world go online everyday to play poker at one of the hundreds of sites available

Technology: How to Get a Shiny Uxie in "Pokemon Pearl Version"

How to Get a Shiny Uxie in "Pokemon Pearl Version"

In "Pokemon Pearl Version," you have a 1 in 8,192 chance of finding a Shiny Pokemon and this includes the game's Legendary Pokemon, such as Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga and Cresselia. Unlike other wild Pokemon, which you can encounter as many times as you like as long as you hang around their prefer

Technology: How To Play Online Pinball

How To Play Online Pinball

When playing pinball its good to know the lingo. Online pinball is no different than playing on a pinball table in an arcade. 1)Pull the plunger - the technique of getting the ball around the ...

Technology: How to Get Tifa's Best Limit Break in "Final Fantasy 7"

How to Get Tifa's Best Limit Break in "Final Fantasy 7"

The characters that will join your party in the Playstation role-playing game Final Fantasy 7 are able to use special attacks called limit breaks once they have sustained a certain amount of damage in battle. Each character has a final limit break that can only be gained by finding a special item. T

Technology: Xbox 360 3 Red Light Fix - A Complete Guide to Fix the Red Rings of Doom!

Xbox 360 3 Red Light Fix - A Complete Guide to Fix the Red Rings of Doom!

The Xbox 360 3 Red Light error also known as "The red Rings Of Doom" is a major problem for the Xbox 360 console and a lot of Xbox 360 owners have encountered this problem at one point or another.This article will show you ways that you can fix this error and get back to your games!The fir

Technology: The Best Online Flash Games

The Best Online Flash Games

Nowadays, the dramatic technology advancement has indeed brought about transformation in the gaming culture and industry. You can now play series of online games on your laptops and/or PCs at the comfort of your home. ...

Technology: How to Make a Copy of a PS2 Game With Just a Computer

How to Make a Copy of a PS2 Game With Just a Computer

It is possible for PlayStation 2 game discs to get scratched to a point where they no longer work, so some gamers choose to make back-up copies of their games for this practical reason. As PlayStation 2 discs are DVDs, you can burn copies of them on any computer with a DVD re-writer drive. You may n

Technology: How to Create a Fatality in "Mortal Kombat: Armageddon" on PS2

How to Create a Fatality in "Mortal Kombat: Armageddon" on PS2

Since the first "Mortal Kombat" game was released, the video game fighting franchise has been known for its gruesome finishing moves, called "fatalities." In "Mortal Kombat: Armageddon," the creators decided to do away with the traditional fatalities of the series, instead allowing players to create