Technology Games

Combat Trousers,standard Issue For The Clubber And The Tradesman

Apparently its now official that combat trousers are returning to the high street, the height of fashion during the 90's is definitely making a return. With many stores, including us, offering camouflage prints but it is the combats we are noticing a marked increase with. It remains to be seen however if the combats will become once again regulation issue for the 20 somethings and the clubbers.
Combat trousers are without doubt both a very popular item of fashion clothing and work wear, having extra pockets on the side and the rear they can hold many items of equipment without the need to carry a bag. For use as work wear they are often made of durable fabric which gives them increased durability and strength. For casual wear they come in an abundance of materials, styles and colours making these a popular choice of clubwear and even gym wear.

While there may be variations in style and colour etc, one feature remains constant and that is pockets. Most combat trousers will have a number of small, medium and large pockets along the legs and standard pockets are often a little larger also. Comparing them to regular trousers combats tend to be much looser fitting and a little larger which allows for easy movement.

If you are looking to buy a pair of combat trousers then you need to check out certain features depending on what they are to be used for. If this is for work wear or outdoor pursuits then the material needs to be fairly tough and durable in order withstand this kind of activity. The seat and the knees often have a double layer of material which is important if you are going to be spending time sat down or kneeling on open ground outdoors. These features are also good for workwear as strain is often placed on these areas by bending and stretching.

Ripstop fabric is often used in today's modern combat trousers and it is this material that gives them their toughness, this material can withstand abrasions and small tears without a larger tear forming. This is something you need to be aware of as not all modern combats will be made of this material, so you do need to check it out.

Besides the material the seams should be well sewn and both the zips and buttons need to be of a good quality and well secured to the material. Some other things you might want to think about are the colours and how many pockets you are actually going to need. Do you want a camouflaged pair of combats or a plain colour, just think about these things a little as you are likely to have your combat trousers for quite a while. If your combats are to be used for clubbing and generally hanging around with your mates then you shall definitely be looking for a lighter fabric, also the the colours will probably be more important to you.

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