Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Get an Extension of Time to File an Answer to a Complaint

How to Get an Extension of Time to File an Answer to a Complaint

When you are served with a formal complaint regarding a civil action, you are usually given a specific amount of time to respond. In some states, failure to respond may result in a default judgment against you without a hearing. However, you may need more time to gather documents or to prepare a pro

Law & Legal & Attorney: Obtain a Law Firm

Obtain a Law Firm

I want to start by saying that will do-it-yourself lawyering offers the limits.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Recover Stolen Home Equity

How to Recover Stolen Home Equity

Having your credit card stolen and used to purchase jewelry or electronics is bad enough. Now identity thieves have mastered ways to steal your home's equity. According to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, "Home-equity lines of credit are an expanding front in the battle against mortgage fraud. Homeo

Law & Legal & Attorney: What To Do If Stopped or Arrested

What To Do If Stopped or Arrested

The first thing to do if you are stopped on the highway by a police officer is to pull over to the side of the road immediately. Do not delay, as you can bring more ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Alcohol Breathalyzer - The Most Important Device of the Century!

Alcohol Breathalyzer - The Most Important Device of the Century!

No doubt, alcohol breathalyzer has become one of the most important devices of this century because of its vital uses. As you know that drinking has become quite common among young generation including boys and girls and the issue after getting drunk is also spreading very rapidly. A lot of people b

Law & Legal & Attorney: State Officials: Interlock Ignition DUI Law is Working

State Officials: Interlock Ignition DUI Law is Working

DUI defense lawyers Michael T. Norris and John W. Callahan understand Illinois drunk driving law and know how to fight DUI charges. We have obtained dismissals and not-guilty verdicts in dozens of DUI

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Get Your DUI Record Expunged

How to Get Your DUI Record Expunged

After you are arrested for driving under the influence, or if you have been convicted of a crime, you may qualify to have your criminal record expunged or sealed. Some legal professionals call expungement a setting aside. This means that, when a new landlord, educational institution or employer chec

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to File Complaints Against a Bad Doctor

How to File Complaints Against a Bad Doctor

In every profession you have those that are at the top of their game and those who are mediocre at best. Unfortunately this is applicable in the medical field as well. It's unfortunate because lives are at stake when a physician makes a mistake. Mistakes happen and we are human. However, there are d

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Track a Private Lender Scam

How to Track a Private Lender Scam

Fraudulent lenders typically target those in emergency situations. These lenders also prey on young consumers not sophisticated in financing and those with poor credit ratings who are unable to secure a loan through a traditional lender such as a commercial lender, bank or credit union. These scams

Law & Legal & Attorney: Tips to Avoid Being Convicted of a DUI

Tips to Avoid Being Convicted of a DUI

While the obvious solution to this problem is not drinking and driving at all, you probably already knew that. So what should you do to avoid being convicted of a DUI? There are many things you can do to save time, save face, and even save your life!

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Look Up Attorneys in Georgia

How to Look Up Attorneys in Georgia

An Attorney works in the practical application of diverse legal theories and knowledge to solve very specific individualized issues, or to provide legal services to those who hire an attorney. Not all attorneys practice the same legal services and there are more than 330,000 in the United State alon

Law & Legal & Attorney: Zadroga Claim can give victims a second lease on life

Zadroga Claim can give victims a second lease on life

Every mistake comes at the cost of a price that has to be eventually paid. And the fateful destruction of the World Trade Towers in 9/11 is no different. However, the unfortunate part here is ...