- 1). Call to speak with the physician or her staff immediately to voice your concern. Approach the matter as calmly as possible to see if you can get a resolution without having to take further steps. You want to remain calm as not to alert the physician. Handling it any other way will cause the doctor to go into protection mode and this opens the door for a potential cover-up. All physicians take the "Hippocratic Oath," which is an oath that states the physician will practice medicine "ethically". Most do, but it's tantamount to a witness placing his hand on the Bible and swearing to tell the truth. He may or may not be honest.
- 2). Request from the doctor's office a copy of the physician's chart notes. These notes will be necessary for health care issues or billing issues.
- 3). File a complaint against the physician through your state's Medical Board. See the resource link, "Directory of State Medical Boards" to find the "Board of Medical Examiners" in your area.
From the board's web site, submit the complaint on the board's Memorandum Complaint form. Fill out the form completely and list as many facts as possible. Include the date of the alleged incident, the physician's full name and address, list of others who might be involved, the exact nature of your complaint and any other information that might assist in the investigation.
The Board will acknowledge receipt of your complaint, review it and notify you of their decision as soon as possible.