Law & Legal & Attorney Criminal Law & procedure

What To Do If Stopped or Arrested

The first thing to do if you are stopped on the highway by a police officer is to pull over to the side of the road immediately. Do not delay, as you can bring more charges upon yourself if you refuse to pull over or attempt to escape. Even if you feel that you have done nothing wrong and have no idea why you are being pulled over, wait and find out what the officer has to say. It is always better to cooperate with the authorities. You may find out that everything is a misunderstanding. Even if you did deserve to be pulled over -- or even stopped while walking on the street -- this will give you the best chance of getting away without a ticket or an arrest.

Be Safe
Do not do anything that could make the officer feel threatened. It is a good idea to turn your car off and turn the interior lights on. You should then keep your hands on the steering wheel where the officer can see them. This is to make him or her feel safe. A comfortable officer will be grateful to you for your efforts and will be more prone to listen to your side of things. If you are being stopped while walking, avoid all sudden movements and keep your hands out of your pockets.

After You Have Been Arrested
The above ideas may not keep you from being arrested. Even if you are innocent, submit to the arrest. It is much better to let the officer pick you up for something that you did not do than to fight back or refuse to go along. Just let everything get worked out later, either in the courts or with your lawyer. If the officer was wrong to arrest you, he or she will have to apologize and allow you to go.

Get A Lawyer
Finally, get a good lawyer. This is true if you are guilty or if you are innocent. It is often smart not even to talk to the police without a lawyer, especially if you are guilty. You may just incriminate yourself. Wait for your lawyer so that you can devise a strategy to help you win the case. If you are innocent, it is fine for you to profess your innocence to the police. Just do not say anything beyond this that could make them think you are guilty.
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