Law & Legal & Attorney: Who Is a Bail Bondsman?

Who Is a Bail Bondsman?

We've all watched enough television shows and movies that deal with court proceedings to know what bail is. If you are arrested and face a trial for the crimes you are charged with, you are held in jail until your trial is over, assuming you are found innocent.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why You Should Not Take A Breathalyzer Test

Why You Should Not Take A Breathalyzer Test

It happens every day in America. People are pulled over by police officers and asked to take a breathalyzer test to prove they are not drunk. Thousands take these tests each year. We will explore why

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Report Tax Fraud to IRS

How to Report Tax Fraud to IRS

There are many people who cheat on their federal taxes each year. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has special investigators to help examine these cases, but some tax fraud goes undetected. To help the IRS track down those involved in tax fraud, you can submit information to it. To be the most hel

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Do For You?

What Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Do For You?

Criminal law is a body of rules governing punishments for legal offenses. They are typically enforced by the local government on all levels, ranging from local to federal.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Questions Related to Dating Frauds

Questions Related to Dating Frauds

Internet dating or romance fraud or also known as sweetheart fraud targets people with online dating profiles or social networking sites. The perpetrator tries to attract gullible targets by creating fake profiles. After a bond ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Report Welfare Fraud in Kokomo, Indiana

How to Report Welfare Fraud in Kokomo, Indiana

If you are a resident of Kokomo, Indiana, and believe that someone is committing welfare fraud, you should report your suspicions to the Family and Social Services Administration. Welfare fraud is defined as making a false representation of fact, or concealing a fact that should be disclosed, with t

Law & Legal & Attorney: 10 Tips on Surviving a DUI Sobriety Checkpoint Stop

10 Tips on Surviving a DUI Sobriety Checkpoint Stop

It can happen to anyone, anytime-- a DUI sobriety checkpoint stop. But all drivers can prepare for one. In addition, they can be totally avoided, with some tips before you leave for your destination.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Criminal Records - Find Out His Past Before Getting in Too Deep

Criminal Records - Find Out His Past Before Getting in Too Deep

You just wake up and laying beside you is the man you have always dreamed of! You can't believe it is actually real and happening to you! You had a glorious night together and seeing him lay next to you in the morning sun is something you have only dreamed of. Before hearing wedding bells it is

Law & Legal & Attorney: Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault

If you (or someone you care about) have been charged with a serious offence such as Assault or Sexual Assault,

Law & Legal & Attorney: Ethical Dilemmas of Justice

Ethical Dilemmas of Justice

An ethical dilemma is a situation that involves a conflict between at least two moral imperatives in which to obey one means disobeying the other. For example, police officers feel they must be loyal to their partners. If their partner pockets money found on a drug raid, they should turn their partn

Law & Legal & Attorney: Consequences for Possession of Marijuana

Consequences for Possession of Marijuana

Even though marijuana is highly popular here in the United States, it is illegal. Marijuana is thought to be a 'gateway drug', meaning that it opens the doors to trying or having access to other poten

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Make a Police Report for Malicious Destruction of Property

How to Make a Police Report for Malicious Destruction of Property

When someone maliciously destructs your property, whether it's your home, your vehicle or other items belonging to you, it should be immediately reported to the police. In most cases a police report is filed when you call the police to report the crime. However, if you choose not to call the police

Law & Legal & Attorney: Most Trustworthy Arrest Record

Most Trustworthy Arrest Record

Crime rate is increasing and is getting alarming these days. Having that said, it's no longer safe to be with somebody you don't know well anywhere, anytime. It is, therefore, very much helpful to have ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to File a Petition for Expungement in Pennsylvania

How to File a Petition for Expungement in Pennsylvania

In cases in which a person desires to have a clean criminal record, expungement is an option under certain circumstances. If a request for expungement is granted, the record of the offense will be removed from the Court of Records and all other criminal justice departments throughout Pennsylvania. I