Technology: Data Protection Guide

Data Protection Guide

The average hourly impact of computer downtime to a retail brokerage is $6.45 million. For an airline reservation center, that figure is $89,500 (from Contingency Planning Research). Considering the investment and the value of your data, doesn't it make sense to take steps to protect your valua

Technology: Virus Scanning Software Review - An Anti Spyware Program For a Virus Scan

Virus Scanning Software Review - An Anti Spyware Program For a Virus Scan

Are you looking to download virus scanning software for virus and spyware detection and removal on your PC system? Even with the advancements in PC security protection programs today, there are still many vulnerabilities that hackers can easily exploit and use to hack into systems.

Technology: Data Recovery Newcastle

Data Recovery Newcastle

Data recovery Newcastle intends to safeguard the security, integrity, and confidentiality of the client's financial data, which is normally shared with the other parties. Data recovery Newcastle makes

Technology: Keeping Your Personal Computer Clean From Spyware

Keeping Your Personal Computer Clean From Spyware

You can search online if you want to buy these antivirus packages for protection against Spyware. To get a good deal you will need to compare the various attributes of these antivirus packages that are available.

Technology: Fingerprinting makes its way into banks

Fingerprinting makes its way into banks

Fingerprints have now become absolutely indispensable for security purposes for their accurate determination and reliability. These fingerprints are the impressions made by the patterns of the ridges in human beings – it can be the ...

Technology: Laptop security, protecting your hardware

Laptop security, protecting your hardware

When it comes to laptop security, a lot of people's immediate thoughts will turn to viral attacks, hacking, zombie computers, anti-virus software, firewalls and a whole host of other software related terms. One area of ...

Technology: Adware and Spyware Removal Software Review

Adware and Spyware Removal Software Review

Do you want to get adware and spyware removal tools to help you deal with malware problems on your computer? Your PC will start showing some obvious signs after it has been attacked. They include an increased number of pop-up ads, redirecting of the web browser to other unauthorized sites, unauthori

Technology: How to Remove DRM From Protected Adobe ePub eBooks

How to Remove DRM From Protected Adobe ePub eBooks

Electronic books (also called eBooks) are sold by many online retailers and come in a variety of formats. For instance, Amazon uses its own proprietary eBook format while other companies use the ePub format. If you've purchased an eBook that uses the Adobe flavor of ePub digital rights management (D

Technology: Take Charge of Maintaining Your Own PC With Registry Repair Software

Take Charge of Maintaining Your Own PC With Registry Repair Software

You don't need to be a technical genius to solve a few minor problems of your PC. Most people who are not technical tend to away from any and every maintenance issue. But, some problems are so easily fixed by yourself that you would be wasting money by calling expert help for them. Read on to f

Technology: Window XP Registry Clean Up - Cleaning the Registry of Your Windows XP

Window XP Registry Clean Up - Cleaning the Registry of Your Windows XP

Performing a Window XP registry clean up is becoming necessary nowadays especially since many spyware and other malicious software are created almost every week or month for various reasons. They are also becoming sophisticated and more advanced which increase the risk of our computer from infection

Technology: Outsourcing Is a Good Option for Data Conversion Needs

Outsourcing Is a Good Option for Data Conversion Needs

In today's competitive business association, access to correct and comprehensive data is extremely important irrespective of the size of the enterprise. You cannot deny the fact that data is an asset for every organization. You ...

Technology: Online Backup - Simple Answer to Data Related Queries

Online Backup - Simple Answer to Data Related Queries

Backup is the essential aspect for storing large amount of data securely. What else can be more frustrating than losing your precious data? For this purpose, you should find reliable online backup solution. With each ...

Technology: The Best Registry Cleaner For Windows Vista

The Best Registry Cleaner For Windows Vista

Even though Vista is the latest version of Windows to be released, it still relies on a part of your system called the "registry". This causes many problems for your PC, from making it run slow to constant errors... and to fix it, you just need to use a registry cleaner. But which is the b

Technology: Should You Read Reviews Before Choosing a Registry Cleaner?

Should You Read Reviews Before Choosing a Registry Cleaner?

To know the answer to the question should you read reviews before choosing a registry cleaner, you first need to understand what a registry cleaner is all about and why is it needed in a system. Registry is a bunch of references made to different locations for hardware, software etc in the system.

Technology: Google Hacking

Google Hacking

A review of Google Hacking for Penetration Testers by Johnny Long, creator of the web site which details a variety of security concerns and hacks using search engines.

Technology: How Do You Defrag Your Registry?

How Do You Defrag Your Registry?

A registry defrag is an essential component in keeping your PC running fast.But even though the registry is so complex, did you know that a registry defrag can be done in couple of minutes?