Even though Vista is the latest version of Windows to be released, it still relies on a part of your system called the "registry".
This causes many problems for your PC, from making it run slow to constant errors...
and to fix it, you just need to use a registry cleaner.
But which is the best for Vista? The registry has been with Windows since 1998 and is a giant database which your computer uses to store settings and options inside.
Everything from your latest emails to your login password are stored in the registry, making it one of the most important parts of your computer.
Because of its importance, Windows is constantly adding and editing the files inside it.
This is okay, but the problems occur when Windows actually gets confused with these registry files, and ends up saving many of the files wrong.
This happens many times each day, as your computer often has 100's of registry files open at a time, which means that your computer is filling up with more and more corrupted files as the days go by.
The problem with this is that these corrupt files actually make your computer run slower, because they act like a book with all the pages mixed up.
When Windows tries to read them next, it has to spend a lot longer trying to decipher them, making it run slower and slower (and with errors).
This has been a problem since Windows '98 and is still a major problem in Vista.
However, Vista has introduced a lot more features, files and settings into the registry, making many older registry cleaners unable to clean it.
That's why you need to rely on a cleaner which has been designed specifically to clean out the Vista registry, because you know that it is able to find all the latest problems that Vista has developed.
With many new features, such as the Vista sidebar and "Windows Defender", the registry is home to a lot more files in this latest version of Windows...
which means that to be sure you're able to clean it out properly, you need to rely on a cleaner which has been updated the most.
And from my experience, the best Vista registry cleaner out there, is one called "RegAce".
This is a relatively new piece of software, having only been released a few months ago...
but it has already made a huge impact in the market.
Because RegAce is so new, it's been designed to cope with all the latest Vista registry problems, allowing it to find a lot more problems than any other registry cleaner.
It also has an intelligent scanning engine, which helps it search through a lot more files...
as well as a complete backup & restore center, which enables it to prevent any problems that your computer might have.
This causes many problems for your PC, from making it run slow to constant errors...
and to fix it, you just need to use a registry cleaner.
But which is the best for Vista? The registry has been with Windows since 1998 and is a giant database which your computer uses to store settings and options inside.
Everything from your latest emails to your login password are stored in the registry, making it one of the most important parts of your computer.
Because of its importance, Windows is constantly adding and editing the files inside it.
This is okay, but the problems occur when Windows actually gets confused with these registry files, and ends up saving many of the files wrong.
This happens many times each day, as your computer often has 100's of registry files open at a time, which means that your computer is filling up with more and more corrupted files as the days go by.
The problem with this is that these corrupt files actually make your computer run slower, because they act like a book with all the pages mixed up.
When Windows tries to read them next, it has to spend a lot longer trying to decipher them, making it run slower and slower (and with errors).
This has been a problem since Windows '98 and is still a major problem in Vista.
However, Vista has introduced a lot more features, files and settings into the registry, making many older registry cleaners unable to clean it.
That's why you need to rely on a cleaner which has been designed specifically to clean out the Vista registry, because you know that it is able to find all the latest problems that Vista has developed.
With many new features, such as the Vista sidebar and "Windows Defender", the registry is home to a lot more files in this latest version of Windows...
which means that to be sure you're able to clean it out properly, you need to rely on a cleaner which has been updated the most.
And from my experience, the best Vista registry cleaner out there, is one called "RegAce".
This is a relatively new piece of software, having only been released a few months ago...
but it has already made a huge impact in the market.
Because RegAce is so new, it's been designed to cope with all the latest Vista registry problems, allowing it to find a lot more problems than any other registry cleaner.
It also has an intelligent scanning engine, which helps it search through a lot more files...
as well as a complete backup & restore center, which enables it to prevent any problems that your computer might have.