Health & Medical: Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

WebMD describes the symptoms of a rare neurogenerative disease called progressive supranuclear palsy.

Health & Medical: Definition of Suspensory Ligaments

Definition of Suspensory Ligaments

Broadly speaking, a suspensory ligament is any portion of connective tissue that supports an internal organ. There are several suspensory ligaments in the human body. Some of the best-known are those connected to the breast, the lens of the eye, the ovaries, the uterus and the penis.

Health & Medical: Are Triglyceride Levels More Important Than LDL?

Are Triglyceride Levels More Important Than LDL?

A lipid panel, or cholesterol test, is used to determine levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. According to the Mayo Clinic, lipid panels are important in assessing if you are at risk for certain cardiac diseases. Triglyceride values and low density lipoprotein levels (LDL) are key

Health & Medical: A New Heart Monitor can Help Prevent a Stroke

A New Heart Monitor can Help Prevent a Stroke

A new implantable heart monitor has been proven to detect the cause of unexplained stroke. Learn more about unexplained stroke and how the latest developments in science and technology can help prevent strokes.

Health & Medical: How to Exercise on an Airplane

How to Exercise on an Airplane

It's all too easy to feel like a sardine in a can on a long airplane flight. During a trans Pacific flight to Japan I was startled to see that after the movie an image of airplane travelers faced me, an Asian man and woman, with a single Caucasian. To a Japanese narration, they started exercising as

Health & Medical: Can Exercise Prevent Severe Stroke?

Can Exercise Prevent Severe Stroke?

Study shows that people who were physically active before having a stroke had less severe symptoms and better long-term outcomes when compared to previously inactive people who had strokes.

Health & Medical: Stroke Prevention

Stroke Prevention

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of stroke prevention including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Cholesterol Diet Information

Cholesterol Diet Information

High cholesterol can be treated through a variety of methods, and changing your diet in particular can be very effective. Lowering cholesterol through healthy eating has been shown to be just as effective as drug treatment for most people who have high cholesterol. By focusing on healthy eating and

Health & Medical: What Are the Best Ways to Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs?

What Are the Best Ways to Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs?

High cholesterol can be caused by eating fast foods, smoking, consuming too much whole milk or dairy, indulging in fatty meats---pork, bacon and even steak---and not getting enough exercise. While most people realize they have high cholesterol after visiting the doctor, others find out the hard way

Health & Medical: What Are Cholesterol Rings?

What Are Cholesterol Rings?

A cholesterol ring is seen in the eye when a person's bad cholesterol increases and good cholesterol decreases. The ring is an indicator of high cholesterol, which is a preliminary sign of future heart disease.

Health & Medical: Treatment for Surface Itching in Varicose Veins

Treatment for Surface Itching in Varicose Veins

Although many people with varicose veins do not experience any physical symptoms of the condition, many others do. One of the most common symptoms associated with varicose veins is surface itching around the veins. Fortunately, there are a few treatment options available to relieve this itching.

Health & Medical: Tracking Dementia in Parkinson's Disease

Tracking Dementia in Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease patients with dementia can lose their mental abilities at almost the same rate as people with Alzheimer's disease, say Norwegian researchers.

Health & Medical: The Safety of Orajel

The Safety of Orajel

Orajel products are leading over-the-counter pain relievers to help dull teething pain, sore throats, denture pain, toothaches, and cold sores. The active ingredient, benzocaine, is safe when used according to the package directions.