- 1). Catch 60 Kanto Pokemon and defeat the Elite Four to obtain the National Pokedex in "Pokemon FireRed." If you defeat the Elite Four before you catch 60 Kanto Pokemon, you will have to talk to Professor Oak in Pallet Town.
- 2). Fly to Vermillion City and talk to the sailor on the dock. Choose to travel to One Island. Go to the Pokemon Network Center and talk to Celio. He will give you a quest to find the Ruby and the Sapphire.
- 3). Use "Surf" to travel east of One Island. Navigate along Kindle Road, which is north of Mount Ember. Defeat the two Team Rocket Grunts. Use the ladders to travel lower into the cave. When you come across two paths, take the left path. Use "Strength" on the boulder, descend the ladder and take the Ruby.
- 4). Hand the Ruby to Celio at the Pokemon Network Center. He will give you the Rainbow Pass. Show the pass to the sailor at the dock to travel to Four Island. Surf east of Four Island until you reach the cave. Go into the left entrance. Solve the puzzle and take "Waterfall."
- 5). Exit the entrance and use "Waterfall" to gain access to the right entrance. Fight the Team Rocket Grunts and go to Six Island. Go to Ruin Valley and try to take the Sapphire. A scientist will take it away from you. Travel to Five Island and go to the Rocket Warehouse. Beat the Rocket Admin and the Scientist to get the Sapphire.
- 6). Return to One Island and give Celio the Sapphire. He will use the Ruby and the Sapphire to allow you to trade from "Pokemon FireRed" to "Pokemon Ruby."
- 1). Insert "Pokemon Ruby" into one Game Boy Advance (GBA) and "Pokemon FireRed" into another. Connect the GBAs with your GBA Link Cable. Turn on both GBAs and start both games.
- 2). Travel to any Pokemon Center in Kanto or Sevii Islands. Take the stairs to the second floor of the Pokemon Center. Speak to the woman behind the counter to the very right. Choose "Trade Center" to go to the Cable Club.
- 3). Go to the second floor of any Pokemon Center in "Pokemon Ruby." Talk to the woman behind the middle counter. Press "A" once the screen says "2P Link." Offer a Hoenn Pokemon for a Kanto Pokemon. Once you get your first Kanto Pokemon, you will automatically get the National Pokedex.
Trading Requirements
The Trade